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Toggling sub-menu items in slimMenu with links, not just buttons

- Jamie Johnson
Author of Velocity: The Basics: Scripting with a $ here and a # to do, Web Developer and former Computing Support Analyst and Licensed Professional Counselor

April 24, 2015

jQuery slimMenu, by Adnan Topal, is a useful responsive collapsing multi-level menu. jQuery slimMenu users, do you want to toggle multi-level sub-menu items at lower resolution with links as well as buttons? Check out my code needed in the bottom of the HTML page using slimMenu:

/* start enable link toggle by jamesarthurjohn 
    This allows the links in the lower resolution instance of Slimmenu to toggle multi-level sub-menus when 
    clicking the link  as well as the button. 
$(".slimmenu > li > a").each(function(){
/* end enable link toggle by jamesarthurjohn */

That's it!

You can also check out my proposed update to slimMenu on Github.