This is just a playground with examples and snarky comments. It is a concise rendering of different things tried from the real tutorial is at W3Schools.
intro: echo (Oh!)
echo "base"; //haha star wars
$x = 1100 /* + 15 */ + 38;
echo $x; // see what I did there :) Think THX
$txt = "my wife";
echo "<p>I love $txt!</p>";
echo "<p>I love <b>" . $txt . "</b>!</p>";
echo "echo"; // look a meta-echo ;P
I love my wife!
I love my wife!
adding variables
$x = 8670000;
$y = 5309;
echo $x + $y;
What if Jenny was to write that code?
global and local scopes
Scope comes from the Greek word "skopos" (σκοπος) meaning "to look intently."
$x = 7; // global scope
function myTest() {
// using x inside this function will generate an error
echo "<p>Variable x inside function is: $x</p>";
echo "<p>Variable x outside function is: $x</p>";
Variable x inside function is:
Variable x outside function is: 7
global keyword
$x = 5250000;
$y = 1977;
function myTest2() {
global $x, $y;
$y = $x + $y;
echo $y; // outputs 5251977 - date of a new hope ;)
A new hope?
$GLOBALS array
$x = 5250000;
$y = 1977;
function myTest3() {
$GLOBALS['y'] = $GLOBALS['x'] + $GLOBALS['y'];
echo $y; // outputs 5251977 - date of a new hope ;)
Wait, what episode is this??
static keyword to keep variable from deletion
function myTest4() {
static $x = 10;
echo "<p>$x</p>";
"We're heading for Venus and still we stand tall ..." ~ Europe
Hmmm... It's like a "final countdown."
$txt1 = "Learn PHP";
$txt2 = "";
$txt3 = "or";
$x = 37;
$y = 53;
print "<h3>" . $txt1 . "</h3>";
print "Study PHP at " . $txt2 . "<br />";
print $txt3 . " " . $x . "" . $y . "<br />"; // get it?
print $x + $y;
Learn PHP
Study PHP at
or 3753
var_dump to tell type of variable
$x = 1138;
$y = "THX";
string(3) "THX"
class Autobot {
function Autobot() {
$this->model = "VW";
// create an object
$bumblebee = new Autobot();
// show object properties
echo $bumblebee->model;
$x = "Some dude who refuses to apply himself";
$x = null;
string length
echo "There are ".strlen("12 disciples")." characters in '12 disciples' and it is not from 12 being in the string (remember space counts as one)."; // outputs 12
There are 12 characters in '12 disciples' and it is not from 12 being in the string (remember space counts as one).
count words
echo "There are ".str_word_count("Peter Andrew James John Phillip Thomas Matthew James Thaddeus Simon Judas Bartholomew")." disciples in 'Peter Andrew James John Phillip Thomas Matthew James Thaddeus Simon Judas Bartholomew'."; // outputs 12
There are 12 disciples in 'Peter Andrew James John Phillip Thomas Matthew James Thaddeus Simon Judas Bartholomew'.
put it in reverse
echo strrev("What are you looking for the devil for when you ought to be looking for the Lord?"); // outputs the backmasking in Petra's "Judas' Kiss" song; i.e., the string backwards
?droL eht rof gnikool eb ot thguo uoy nehw rof lived eht rof gnikool uoy era tahW
~ Petra in "Judas' Kiss"
find in position in string
echo "Where in the world? The word 'world' is at position ".strpos("Hello world!", "world")." (think arrays) in 'Hello world!'"; // outputs 6
Where in the world? The word 'world' is at position 6 (think arrays) in 'Hello world!'
constant GREETING using the define keyword (note: constants are global)
define("GREETING", "Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong!");
Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong!
constant case-insensitive greeting
define("GREETING", "Bah Weep Graaagnah Wheep Ni Ni Bong!", true);
echo greeting;
Bah Weep Graaagnah Wheep Ni Ni Bong!
Most operators are the same, but here are some unique ones (but while they work smoothly, I don't think any of them are a Smooth Operator):
** is exponent as in $x**$y (but it requires PHP 5.6).
=== is identical to as in they are equal AND of the same type.
!== is not identical.
xor is Xor: $x xor $y is True if either $x or $y is true, but not both.
While . is concatenation, .= appends as in $x.=$y appends $y to $x
conditional statements / control structures / case (switch) statements
Just know that elseif is how you do that one in php ;) and switch statements are handled just as they are in JS.
loops and arrays
While and for loops are the same as in JS. Foreach is useful for arrays like this (note use as instead of in):
$robins = array("Dick Grayson","Jason Todd","Tim Drake","Stephanie Brown","Damian Wayne");
foreach ($robins as $value) {
echo "$value <br />";
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Tim Drake
Stephanie Brown
Damian Wayne
Or you can do this:
$batgirls = array("Betty/Bette Kane","Barbara Gordon","Cassandra Cain","Stephanie Brown","Helena Bertinelli","Charlotte \"Charlie\" Gage-Radcliffe");
$arrlength = count($batgirls);
for($x = 0; $x < $arrlength; $x++) {
echo $batgirls[$x];
echo "<br />";
Betty/Bette Kane
Barbara Gordon
Cassandra Cain
Stephanie Brown
Helena Bertinelli
Charlotte "Charlie" Gage-Radcliffe
Associative Arrays
$type = array("Bumblebee"=>"Autobot", "Soundwave"=>"Decepticon", "Doubledealer"=>"Double-Agent");
echo "Bumblebee is an " . $type['Bumblebee'] . ".";
Bumblebee is an Autobot.
Now loop through it:
$type = array("Bumblebee"=>"Autobot", "Soundwave"=>"Decepticon", "Doubledealer"=>"Double-Agent");
foreach($type as $x => $x_value) {
echo "Key=" . $x . ", Value=" . $x_value;
echo "<br />";
Key=Bumblebee, Value=Autobot
Key=Soundwave, Value=Decepticon
Key=Doubledealer, Value=Double-Agent
And you can sort:
- sort() - sort arrays in ascending order
- rsort() - sort arrays in descending order
- asort() - sort associative arrays in ascending order, according to the value
- ksort() - sort associative arrays in ascending order, according to the key
- arsort() - sort associative arrays in descending order, according to the value
- krsort() - sort associative arrays in descending order, according to the key
For multi-dimensional arrays, remember $cars[$row][$col] for an array like this:
$cars = array
array("Land Rover",17,15)
More details about multidimensional arrays.
Like JS, but there is a default value option as in function setHeight($minheight = 50) and if one calls setHeight(), the value is 50.
Not Kal-El!
$x = 75;
$y = 25;
function addition() {
$GLOBALS['z'] = $GLOBALS['x'] + $GLOBALS['y'];
echo $z;
Server Variables
echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
echo "<br />";
echo "<br />";
echo "<br />";
echo "<br />";
echo "<br />";
CCBot/2.0 (
Forms on W3Schools
Set form action like this to prevent XSS:
<form method="post" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);?>">
Remember this to process input name="name" and input name="email":
Welcome <?php echo $_POST["name"]; ?><br />
Your email address is: <?php echo $_POST["email"]; ?>
And here's a validation script for the self-referring form page:
$name = $email = $gender = $comment = $website = "";
$name = test_input($_POST["name"]);
$email = test_input($_POST["email"]);
$website = test_input($_POST["website"]);
$comment = test_input($_POST["comment"]);
$gender = test_input($_POST["gender"]);
function test_input($data) {
$data = trim($data);
$data = stripslashes($data);
$data = htmlspecialchars($data);
return $data;
Make things required:
if (empty($_POST["name"])) {
$nameErr = "Name is required";
} else {
$name = test_input($_POST["name"]);
While having this in the form HTML:
Name: <input type="text" name="name">
<span class="error">* <?php echo $nameErr;?></span>
Resource: RegEx to validate email, etc.
Time (and date) ... why do you punish me?
echo "Today is " . date("Y/m/d") . "<br />";
echo "Today is " . date("Y.m.d") . "<br />";
echo "Today is " . date("Y-m-d") . "<br />";
echo "Today is " . date("l") . "<br />";
echo "The time is " . date("h:i:sa") . " per the server <br />";
echo "The time is " . date("h:i:sa") . " in America/New_York<br />";
$d=mktime(11, 14, 54, 8, 12, 2014);
echo "Created date is " . date("Y-m-d h:i:sa", $d) . "<br />";
$d=strtotime("10:30pm April 15 2014");
echo "Created date is " . date("Y-m-d h:i:sa", $d) . "<br />";
echo date("Y-m-d h:i:sa", $d) . " is tomorrow<br />";
$d=strtotime("next Saturday");
echo date("Y-m-d h:i:sa", $d) . " is next Saturday<br />";
$d=strtotime("+3 Months");
echo date("Y-m-d h:i:sa", $d) . " is in 3 months<br />";
echo "<p>Saturdays the next 6 weeks: </p>";
$startdate = strtotime("Saturday");
$enddate = strtotime("+6 weeks", $startdate);
while ($startdate < $enddate) {
echo date("M d", $startdate) . "<br />";
$startdate = strtotime("+1 week", $startdate);
$d1=strtotime("December 25");
echo "<br /><br />There are " . $d2 ." days until Christmas.";
Today is 2025/02/13
Today is 2025.02.13
Today is 2025-02-13
Today is Thursday
The time is 08:19:57pm per the server
The time is 03:19:57pm in America/New_York
Created date is 2014-08-12 11:14:54am
Created date is 2014-04-15 10:30:00pm
2025-02-14 12:00:00am is tomorrow
2025-02-15 12:00:00am is next Saturday
2025-05-13 03:19:57pm is in 3 months
Saturdays the next 6 weeks:
Feb 15
Feb 22
Mar 01
Mar 08
Mar 15
Mar 22
There are 315 days until Christmas.
echo readfile("../batman.txt");
{"data": [{"alias": "Mr. Freeze","name": "Dr. Victor Fries","gender": "Male","appeared": "1959"},{"alias": "Poison Ivy","name": "Pamela Lillian Isley","gender": "Female","appeared": "1966"},{"alias": "The Penguin","name": "Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot","gender": "Male","appeared": "1941"},{"alias": "The Joker","name": "Jack Napier (according to some)","gender": "Male","appeared": "1940"},{"alias": "Harley Quinn","name": "Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel","gender": "Female","appeared": "1992"},{"alias": "Mad Hatter","name": "Jervis Tetch","gender": "Male","appeared": "1948"},{"alias": "The Riddler","name": "Edward Nygma/Nigma or Nashton","gender": "Male","appeared": "1948"},{"alias": "Catwoman","name": "Selina Kyle","gender": "Female","appeared": "1940"},{"alias": "Two-Face","name": "Harvey Dent","gender": "Male","appeared": "1942"}]}841
file handling
$myfile = fopen("../batman.txt", "r") or die("Unable to open file!");
// Output one character until end-of-file
while(!feof($myfile)) {
echo fgetc($myfile);
{"data": [{"alias": "Mr. Freeze","name": "Dr. Victor Fries","gender": "Male","appeared": "1959"},{"alias": "Poison Ivy","name": "Pamela Lillian Isley","gender": "Female","appeared": "1966"},{"alias": "The Penguin","name": "Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot","gender": "Male","appeared": "1941"},{"alias": "The Joker","name": "Jack Napier (according to some)","gender": "Male","appeared": "1940"},{"alias": "Harley Quinn","name": "Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel","gender": "Female","appeared": "1992"},{"alias": "Mad Hatter","name": "Jervis Tetch","gender": "Male","appeared": "1948"},{"alias": "The Riddler","name": "Edward Nygma/Nigma or Nashton","gender": "Male","appeared": "1948"},{"alias": "Catwoman","name": "Selina Kyle","gender": "Female","appeared": "1940"},{"alias": "Two-Face","name": "Harvey Dent","gender": "Male","appeared": "1942"}]}
Modes |
Description |
r |
Open a file for read only. File pointer starts at the beginning of the file |
w |
Open a file for write only. Erases the contents of the file or creates a new file if it doesn't exist. File pointer starts at the beginning of the file |
a |
Open a file for write only. The existing data in file is preserved. File pointer starts at the end of the file. Creates a new file if the file doesn't exist |
x |
Creates a new file for write only. Returns FALSE and an error if file already exists |
r+ |
Open a file for read/write. File pointer starts at the beginning of the file |
w+ |
Open a file for read/write. Erases the contents of the file or creates a new file if it doesn't exist. File pointer starts at the beginning of the file |
a+ |
Open a file for read/write. The existing data in file is preserved. File pointer starts at the end of the file. Creates a new file if the file doesn't exist |
x+ |
Creates a new file for read/write. Returns FALSE and an error if file already exists |
write to file
$myfile = fopen("transformers.txt", "w") or die("Unable to open file!");
$txt = "Orion Pax\n";
fwrite($myfile, $txt);
$txt = "Megatronus\n";
fwrite($myfile, $txt);
NOTE: With "transformers.txt" containing some data, when it is opened for writing, all existing data is erased.
Upload file
Refer to
This is before the opening <html> tag
$cookie_name = "yummy";
$cookie_value = "MarbleBar";
setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, time() + (86400 * 30), "/"); // 86400 = 1 day and expires after 30 days
This is in the body:
if(!isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name])) {
echo "Cookie named '" . $cookie_name . "' is not set! (Refresh if you see this to see it get set)";
} else {
echo "Cookie '" . $cookie_name . "' is set!
echo "Value is: " . $_COOKIE[$cookie_name];
Cookie named 'yummy' is not set! (Refresh if you see this to see it get set)
To modify, just do the above setcookie() method with different data.
To delete the cookie:
setcookie("yummy", "", time() - 3600); // set the expiration date to one hour ago
Of course it's good to check if cookies are enabled:
Cookies are disabled.
if(count($_COOKIE) > 0) {
echo "Cookies are enabled.";
} else {
echo "Cookies are disabled.";
This goes before the opening html tag:
//start the session
And this is on all pages utilizing the session.
Set session variables by putting this in the body:
// Set session variables
$_SESSION["favnum"] = "2520";
$_SESSION["favgijoe"] = "Snake-Eyes";
echo "Session variables are set.";
Session variables are set.
And then typically used on another page one can get session variables:
// Echo session variables that were set on previous page
echo "Favorite number is " . $_SESSION["favnum"] . " as it is evenly divisible by all integers 1 through 10.<br />";
echo "Favorite G.I. Joe is " . $_SESSION["favgijoe"] . "; he is a commando.";
Favorite number is 2520 as it is evenly divisible by all integers 1 through 10.
Favorite G.I. Joe is Snake-Eyes; he is a commando.
To show all session variables:
[favnum] => 2520
[favgijoe] => Snake-Eyes
Modify a session variable:
// to change a session variable, just overwrite it
$_SESSION["favgijoe"] = "classified";
[favnum] => 2520
[favgijoe] => classified
End session:
// remove all session variables
// destroy the session
Now one cannot output any session variables (They're gone!). Look what happens when I try this:
An empty array because the session has been destroyed.
<td>Filter Name</td>
<td>Filter ID</td>
foreach (filter_list() as $id =>$filter) {
echo '<tr><td>' . $filter . '</td><td>' . filter_id($filter) . '</td></tr>';
Filter Name |
Filter ID |
int | 257 |
boolean | 258 |
float | 259 |
validate_regexp | 272 |
validate_url | 273 |
validate_email | 274 |
validate_ip | 275 |
string | 513 |
stripped | 513 |
encoded | 514 |
special_chars | 515 |
unsafe_raw | 516 |
email | 517 |
url | 518 |
number_int | 519 |
number_float | 520 |
magic_quotes | 521 |
callback | 1024 |
Sanitize a string:
$str = "<h3>¡Hola Mundo</h3>";
$newstr = filter_var($str, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
echo $newstr;
¡Hola Mundo!
However, what if there are special characters in the string that pass? We can stop that by removing characters with ASCII value greater than 127:
$str = "<h1>'¡¡Hola Mundo!' is 'Hello World!' in SpanishÆØÅ.</h1>";
echo $newstr;
'¡Hola Mundo!' is 'Hello World!' in Spanish.
However, using the entity for an inverted exclamation point (¡ for ¡) is allowed. If I directly paste it in the code as I did above, it is stripped out. That is why you don't see two inverted exclamation points as well as the other special characters.
Validate an integer (and remember 0):
$int = 0;
if (filter_var($int, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) === 0 || !filter_var($int, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) === false) {
echo("Integer is valid");
} else {
echo("Integer is not valid");
Integer is valid
Validate IP address:
$ip = "867.5.30.9";
if (!filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) === false) { // use if (!filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) === false) for IPv6
echo("$ip is a valid IP address");
} else {
echo("$ip is not a valid IP address");
867.5.30.9 is not a valid IP address
Silly Jenny! That's a phone number, not an IP address!
Sanitize email address:
$email = "";
// Remove all illegal characters from email
$email = filter_var($email, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);
// Validate e-mail
if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) {
echo("$email is a valid email address");
} else {
echo("$email is not a valid email address");
} is not a valid email address
Sanitize URL:
$url = "";
// Remove all illegal characters from a url
$url = filter_var($url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
// Validate url
if (!filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) === false) { // use if (!filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL, FILTER_FLAG_QUERY_REQUIRED) to check to see if URL has a querystring
echo("<a href=\"$url\" target=\"_blank\">$url</a> is a valid URL"); // and I set it to make a link if valid
} else {
echo("$url is not a valid URL");
error handling
Please see though this is a good practical example:
//error handler function
function customError($errno, $errstr) {
echo "Error: [$errno] $errstr
echo "Ending Script";
//set error handler
//trigger error
if ($test>=1) {
trigger_error("Value must be 1 or below",E_USER_WARNING);
However, I don't implement this as it doesn't allow subsequent examples to execute ;)
"Don't kill him! If you kill him ... he won't learn nothing."
~ The Riddler, Batman Forever (1995)
exception - as in try, throw and catch
Here's my favorite example at
class customException extends Exception {
public function errorMessage() {
//error message
$errorMsg = 'Error on line '.$this->getLine().' in '.$this->getFile()
.': <b>'.$this->getMessage().'</b> is not a valid E-Mail address';
return $errorMsg;
$email = "";
try {
//check if
if(filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === FALSE) {
//throw exception if email is not valid
throw new customException($email);
//check for "example" in mail address
if(strpos($email, "example") !== FALSE) {
throw new Exception("$email is an example e-mail");
catch (customException $e) {
echo $e->errorMessage();
catch(Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
} is an example e-mail
XML Parsing
SimpleXML: read from file
For this and other XML examples, I will be using batman.xml.
$xml=simplexml_load_file("../batman.xml") or die("Error: Cannot create object");
SimpleXMLElement Object
[villain] => Array
[0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[alias] => Mr. Freeze
[name] => Dr. Victor Fries
[gender] => Male
[appeared] => 1959
[1] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[alias] => Poison Ivy
[name] => Pamela Lillian Isley
[gender] => Female
[appeared] => 1966
[2] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[alias] => The Penguin
[name] => Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot
[gender] => Male
[appeared] => 1941
[3] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[alias] => The Joker
[name] => Jack Napier (according to some)
[gender] => Male
[appeared] => 1940
[4] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[alias] => Harley Quinn
[name] => Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel
[gender] => Female
[appeared] => 1992
[5] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[alias] => Mad Hatter
[name] => Jervis Tetch
[gender] => Male
[appeared] => 1948
[6] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[alias] => The Riddler
[name] => Edward Nygma/Nigma or Nashton
[gender] => Male
[appeared] => 1948
[7] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[alias] => Catwoman
[name] => Selina Kyle
[gender] => Female
[appeared] => 1940
[8] => SimpleXMLElement Object
[alias] => Two-Face
[name] => Harvey Dent
[gender] => Male
[appeared] => 1942
SimpleXML: get node values
$xml=simplexml_load_file("../batman.xml") or die("Error: Cannot create object");
$pronoun = '';
// need array reference to reference grandchildren nodes like gender; if gender were a child and not a grandchild, it would be $xml->gender
$g = $xml->villain[0]->gender;
if($g == "Male"){
$pronoun = "he";
} else {
$pronoun = "she";
echo "The true identity of " . $xml->villain[$i]->alias . " is " .
$xml->villain[$i]->name . " and " . $pronoun . " first appeared in " .
$xml->villain[$i]->appeared . ".<br />";
The true identity of Mr. Freeze is Dr. Victor Fries and he first appeared in 1959.
Let's up the ante and loop through the nodes of batman.xml.
$xml=simplexml_load_file("../batman.xml") or die("Error: Cannot create object");
foreach($xml->children() as $villains) {
echo "The true identity of ". $villains->alias . " is ";
echo $villains->name . " and ";
echo "he";
} else {
echo "she";
echo " first appeared in " . $villains->appeared . ".<br />";
The true identity of Mr. Freeze is Dr. Victor Fries and he first appeared in 1959.
The true identity of Poison Ivy is Pamela Lillian Isley and she first appeared in 1966.
The true identity of The Penguin is Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot and he first appeared in 1941.
The true identity of The Joker is Jack Napier (according to some) and he first appeared in 1940.
The true identity of Harley Quinn is Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel and she first appeared in 1992.
The true identity of Mad Hatter is Jervis Tetch and he first appeared in 1948.
The true identity of The Riddler is Edward Nygma/Nigma or Nashton and he first appeared in 1948.
The true identity of Catwoman is Selina Kyle and she first appeared in 1940.
The true identity of Two-Face is Harvey Dent and he first appeared in 1942.
If each villain had an attribute such as <villian residence="Arkham">, then the first villain's residence attribute would be referenced like this:
echo $xml->villain[0]['residence'];
In this case, there are no attributes for the nodes, but if there were, e.g., <appeared city="Gotham">1959</appeared>, and this was the first villain, then I would reference that attribute like this:
echo $xml->villain[0]->appeared['city'];
XML Expat Parser
// Initialize the XML parser
echo "<style>.nodelabel{width:60px;display:inline-block;background:#cc9;}</style>";
// Function to use at the start of an element
function start($parser,$element_name,$element_attrs) {
switch($element_name) {
case "VILLAIN": // Use ALL-CAPS to reference the nodes
echo "<b style=\"background:#cc9;\">---------------------------- Villain ----------------------------</b><br />";
case "ALIAS":
echo "<b class=\"nodelabel\">Alias:</b>";
case "NAME":
echo "<b class=\"nodelabel\">Name:</b>";
case "GENDER":
echo "<b class=\"nodelabel\">Sex:</b>";
case "APPEARED":
echo "<b class=\"nodelabel\">Debut:</b>";
// Function to use at the end of an element
function stop($parser,$element_name) {
echo "<br />";
// Function to use when finding character data
function char($parser,$data) {
echo $data;
// Specify element handler
// Specify data handler
// Open XML file
// Read data
while ($data=fread($fp,4096)) {
xml_parse($parser,$data,feof($fp)) or
die (sprintf("XML Error: %s at line %d",
// Free the XML parser
---------------------------- Villain ----------------------------
Alias:Mr. Freeze
Name:Dr. Victor Fries
---------------------------- Villain ----------------------------
Alias:Poison Ivy
Name:Pamela Lillian Isley
---------------------------- Villain ----------------------------
Alias:The Penguin
Name:Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot
---------------------------- Villain ----------------------------
Alias:The Joker
Name:Jack Napier (according to some)
---------------------------- Villain ----------------------------
Alias:Harley Quinn
Name:Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel
---------------------------- Villain ----------------------------
Alias:Mad Hatter
Name:Jervis Tetch
---------------------------- Villain ----------------------------
Alias:The Riddler
Name:Edward Nygma/Nigma or Nashton
---------------------------- Villain ----------------------------
Name:Selina Kyle
---------------------------- Villain ----------------------------
Name:Harvey Dent
XML DOM Parser
$xmlDoc = new DOMDocument();
$x = $xmlDoc->documentElement;
foreach ($x->childNodes AS $item) {
print $item->nodeName . " = " . $item->nodeValue . "<br />";
#text =
villain =
Mr. Freeze
Dr. Victor Fries
#text =
villain =
Poison Ivy
Pamela Lillian Isley
#text =
villain =
The Penguin
Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot
#text =
villain =
The Joker
Jack Napier (according to some)
#text =
villain =
Harley Quinn
Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel
#text =
villain =
Mad Hatter
Jervis Tetch
#text =
villain =
The Riddler
Edward Nygma/Nigma or Nashton
#text =
villain =
Selina Kyle
#text =
villain =
Harvey Dent
#text =
The end?
Party like it's 2010!
Bookmarks from 2010
These are links from 2010 and some of the sites may be down or redirected. With that in mind, click carefully (it may be worth searching to see if the site is reputable/up before clicking on it).
- Recent Tags
- Recently Bookmarked
- Advantage PTSP Remote Web Workplace
- AOL Sign In
- BRCC - Microsoft Outlook Web Access
- Continue Your Quote - Progressive Direct
- CovPresBIC : CovPresBIC
- CovPresBIC: CovPresBIC
- covpresbookstudy : Covenant Presbyterian Book Study
- covpresbookstudy: Covenant Presbyterian Book Study
- Simple Private Exchange
- Free email address from AOL Mail
- Get a free email address from AOL now! You no longer need to be an AOL member to take advantage of great AOL Mail features such as industry-leading spam and virus protection, anytime-access on your mobile device, flexibility to work with other email clients using IMAP and more.
- Jamie's Quick Links
- JMU Webmail Login
- LogMeIn
- LogMeIn gives you the flexibility to access and control your computers from anywhere.
- Wikisend: free file sharing service
- Xdrive : Secure Online Storage
- Xdrive, the trusted leader in secure online storage and sharing, is the easiest, most powerful and cost-effective way to store, access, and share online. Xdrive allows users to access files from the office, at home, or on the road; collaborate online with colleagues; share files & folders with anyone; and automatically backup their PC to their Xdrive through an easy-to-use interface.
- Alice: Free, Easy, Interactive 3D Graphics for the WWW
- Online Office, Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Presentation, CRM and more
- Zoho offers a suite of online web applications geared towards increasing your productivity and offering easy collaboration. Zoho's online office tools include a word processor, spreadsheet application, presentation tool, hosted wiki, notebook, CRM etc
- Software Downloads - TechRepublic
- TechRepublic's Software Directory is the Web's largest library of trialware and software downloads. Covering IT categories - including Database and Software Development and Platforms - and software for Windows, Mac, and Mobile systems, TechRepublic's Software Directory is the best source for technical trialware and software.
- Software Updates and Downloads - Windows - VersionTracker
- - Windows software source with downloads, reviews and information for finding and updating all commercial, shareware and freeware programs.
- XTweak: The Right Tool for the Job? | TechRepublic Photo Gallery
- <b>By: <a href=>Anthony Sullivan</a></b><br /><br />I've been using Windows since Windows 3.11. With every new version, it seems that the annoying fluff and bloat has compelled someone to write an application to tweak and improve Windows performance.<br /><br />That was what I thought I was getting with XTweak, but XTweak seems to tout a little more functionality. Let's take a look and see what it can do.<br /><br />You can download a trial copy of XTweak from the <a href=>TechRepublic Software Library</a>.
<br /><br />After installing and loading XTweak, this is the first screen you will see. XTweak can clean and optimize your registry, which can be valuable. If you do this, however, I recommend that you create a backup beforehand. )
- AppScout: Free Downloads
- Bryce 5.5: The Right Tool for the Job? | TechRepublic Photo Gallery
- Bryce is a 3D illustration and rendering program from DAZ Productions intended to help you create breathtakingly realistic 3D landscapes and animations in an intuitive way, using a drag-and-drop interface on a real-time canvas. Does it deliver on this promise?)
- Software Download, Program Downloads, Software Utility, System Utilities, Computer and PC Utilities
- A useful new application every day. Download the latest version of shareware and freeware available on PC Magazine website. Software Download, Program Downloads, Software Utility, System Utilities, Computer and PC Utilities
- The Open-Source Apps That Missed Our List - Introduction
- Free Software Replacements - The Free Information Society
- Picasa
- Adobe Photoshop Express - Made You Look.
- Welcome to Aviary
- Online image editing suite
- Jing | Add visuals to your online conversations
- Use Jing to capture anything you see on your computer screen and share it an image or short movie.
- "Work Less!" Global Companies Tell Top Managers
- A global study showed more than 50 percent of male executives and more than 80 percent of women executives working 60 hours a week or more said they would not be able to keep it up for more than a year.
- AOL Jobs - Articles- Communication Breakdown: Five Mistakes at Work - AOL Find a Job
- We all communicate a multitude of messages in a variety of ways at work. While what you say is important, your nonverbal actions are, too. The following are five common behaviors that could lead your colleagues to pick up a different meaning than you intend, and advice on how to send the right signals.1. You shoot off brief but confounding e-mails. Nothing breeds more misunderstandings in the workplace than e-mail. It's easy to simply write "OK" in response to a verbose message from a colleague or client, but you risk your brevity being viewed as dismissive or rude. While most professionals are time-crunched in today's fast-paced business environment, your communications should clarify, not confuse. Instead of immediately sending an informal, terse and potentially perplexing reply, take a moment to craft a grammatically correct response that is succinct yet clear.2. You always keep your door closed. Professionals close their office doors for a host of legitimate reasons. For
- Have a Messy Desk? Congrats, You're More Productive - News and Analysis by PC Magazine
- A new book that argues neatness is overrated, costs money, wastes time and quashes creativity.
- Industry Insider article
- Industry Insider article
- Industry Insider article
- Joan Lloyd at Work
- Joan Lloyd, acclaimed speaker/trainer, executive coach and management consultant writes a nationally syndicated workplace column, providing answers to management, workplace and career questions. Site features: more than 1100 searchable articles, FREE online newsletter packed with management & career strategies, submit your questions for publication and more!
- Free online media file conversion (Document, Images, Audio, Video & Archives)
- Zamzar - Free online file conversion
- Convert files
- : Online FLV Converter : Download online videos direct to PC / iPod / PSP. It's free!
- This service allows you convert a Flash Video / FLV file (YouTube's videos,etc) to MPEG4 (AVI/MOV/MP4/MP3/3GP) file online.
- Online Conversion - Convert just about anything to anything else
- Online Conversion is a resource for weights, measures, calculators, converters.
- MyTheme Online Photo Editor
- Dell Auction
- Dell
- Dellnet
- Gigabuys
Entertainment & Stuff
- Church Sign Generator
- Completely Wacky Stuff
- Download "sol rosenberg" - Google Search
- Etiquette Hell
- Etiquette Hell offers etiquette advice and answers to manners questions such as wedding etiquette, parenting issues and table manners.
- Formula 1 Chipmunks
- Oddcast virtual host: scene editor
- Sol Rosenberg Soundboard
- These are all the new soundboards built on, in order of creation from newest to oldest
- Text To Speech, TTS: English, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, German, Portuguese
- Free Text To Speech Online: English, Spanish, Russian, French, Italian, German, and Portuguese voices.
- The FAIL Blog
- The End of the Internet
- YTMND - What is love!?
- Netdisaster - Destroy the web!
- Destroy the web! Detruisez le web!
- DrNO's Fun Site
- Comics, Quizzes, and Stories - The Oatmeal -
- Retro Junk | Hey I remember that
- A nostalgia filled look into our past
- JS games
- Free Online Flash Games : Online Racing, Sports, Poker, RPG, Shooting, Adventure and Action Games
- Online Flash Game Portal. Free Online Flash Games 2 Enjoy. Online action, arcade, adventure, sports, racing, rpg, and puzzle games.
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- Addicting, original flash games by Atlanta casual game developer Danny Miller. Flash games, message boards, and a growing community of casual gamers.
- Miniclip Games - Play Free Games
- Play Free Online Games, sports games, massive multiplayer games, action games, puzzle games, flash games and more, casual games.
- Free Online Flash Games Directory, Play Great Flash Games Added by Noted Authors and Submit Your Own Flash Game for Exposure and Feedback!
- Bosconian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Do-It-Yourself Double Fanucci, Chapter 2: Mechanics & Equipment
- Symantec - Endpoint Protection Game
- Arm yourself with Symantec‘s Endpoint Protection resources as you and your team race against the clock to secure the network from viruses and threats.
- Apple Macintosh OS X Dashboard - Free Dashboard Widget Games
- Take a break from working and enjoy these free Dashboard widget classic arcade games including Breakout, Chess, Minesweeper and Reversi.
- Games to Download
- Portal: Flash Version - Presented by AddictingGames
- Defy the laws of time and space with your portal gun. You'll need to rethink physics to beat this challenge. Do you has?
- There - the online virtual world that is your everyday hangout
- There is your everyday hangout where you can have fun with your friends and meet new ones -- all in a lush 3D environment that's yours to explore! Sign up today!
- Microsoft TechNet – Server Quest II
- Lord Likely's Extra-Ordinary Inter-Active Moustache-O-Rama
- Free Tetris Game
- Free tetris game - Play free tetris games online, learn about tetris history and more...
- Story - New Search Begins for Amelia Earhart - AOL News
- NEW YORK (July 13) - Hoping modern technology can help them solve a
70-year-old mystery, a group of investigators will search a South
Pacific island to try to determine if famed aviator Amelia Earhart
crash-landed and died there.
- The Death Camp of Communist China - Mises Institute
- The Ludwig von Mises Institute is the research and educational center of classical liberalism and the Austrian School of economics. Working in the intellectual tradition of Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973) and Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995), with a vast array of publications, programs, and fellowships, the Mises Institute seeks a radical shift in the intellectual climate.
- Arab Woman gives Muslims a Thrashing
- Footnote - The place for original documents online
- At you'll be able to view, save, and share original images of historical documents available for the first time on the internet. National Archive Documents now available online.
- Photos: Decoding an ancient computer | TechRepublic Photo Gallery
- Historical Maps - The Free Information Society
- Historical Sounds in MP3 Format - The Free Information Society
- Toons at War
- Smarthistory: a multimedia web-book about art and art history
- Shorpy Photo Archive | Best Pix on the Net
- High-resolution vintage photo archive with thousands of HD images.
Interesting and Exploratory
Greek Mathematicians
- Hero of Alexandria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Archimedes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Meton of Athens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- 2 plus 2: The Home of Mathematically Correct
- <strong>Devoted to the concerns raised by parents and scientists about the invasion of our schools by the New-New Math and the need to restore basic skills to math education.
- Algebra Articles - The Free Information Society
- Art of Problem Solving
- Calculus Articles - The Free Information Society
- Where’s The Math? » Where's The Math?
- » Poll: Which embarrassing discussion thread should TR erase? | Geekend |
- » The last word on the Evolution vs. Intelligent Design debate: | Geekend |
- Allthings2all: Scientology's Science Fiction Story
- Perspectives on Arts, Literature, Culture, Science, Society, Religion, and Cults
- Amazingly realistic models of the space shuttle, Eiffel Tower, and more from MINIMUNDUS | TechRepublic Photo Gallery
- MINIMUNDUS creates amazingly realistic models of famous buildings and structures--like the US space shuttle, Sydney Opera House and Eiffel Tower.)
- Augusta County
- Dinosaur Sightings: DOS 4.01 Shell | TechRepublic Photo Gallery
- dl_10_wording_blunders.pdf (application/pdf Object)
- Exploratorium: the museum of science, art and human perception
- The Exploratorium: a hands-on museum of science, art, and human perception in San Francisco. Our site provides interactive online exhibits and exhibitions, activities, Webcasts, and more.
- Face transformer image upload
- Famous Quotes at QuoteDB - Interactive Database of Famous Quotations
- QuoteDB - interactive database of famous quotations. A
collection quotes about love, friendship, leadership and many other topics.
Search by author or subject. Read author's biography and rating or compile
your own Quote List!
- home improvement with eric stromer - AOL DIY
- HubbleSite - Entire Collection:
- Images: Google Earth beams you into space | TechRepublic Photo Gallery
- Google Earth's new feature Google Sky takes you on a trip through the universe with interstellar photos and cosmic descriptions.When you find a highlighted star, nebula or galaxy, you can zoom in. The diamond shape indicates more information is available. The Orion Nebula is located in the Orion galaxy--it''s the hunter''s weapon.:Google Sky also has a special section on the life of stars. Here''s the section on red stars that are nearing the end of the stellar life cycle.:Google Sky lets you zoom in for surprising details. The star is Betelguese which is the right arm in the Orion galaxy. While unnamed on the map, it is depicted accurately as orange-red in color and large.:Don''t forget that this is a free beta. Out of nowhere pops directions to Anchorage, Alaska. It must be for vacationing aliens or an addition to the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.:Here''s a closer look at the Bug Nebula where you can click for a photo or more details.:This tool isn''t limited to Stars. There are galaxies, clusters, stellar winds and more. There''s a feature on planets in motion that didn''t appear to work at this time.:Another apparent but is the Eiffel Tower next to Ursa Major or the Big Dipper.:Google has expanded the boundaries of Google Earth to include the entire universe with a new add-on called Sky. The new tool offers high-resolution photographs from the Hubble Space Telescope and educational information on stellar discoveries and constellations.
<p>Getting to Google Sky was a little confusing but it''s actually an icon right in the middle (circled). The first screen shows constellations to make it easier to find what you''re looking for. With your mouse you can rotate 360 degrees around the sky and can also zoom in and out with your scroll wheel.:Many stars, galaxies or interstellar phenomenon contain pictures and information--some directly from the Hubble site.)
- Images: NASA plans a city on the moon | TechRepublic Photo Gallery
- imagini
- Instructables - The World's Biggest DIY & How To Show & Tell
- Instructables is the World's Biggest Show & Tell where people share what they do and how they do it. Join other creative, curious people for entertainment, inspiration, and education.
- Life, the Universe and Everything - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Live-action Mario Brothers
- General
- LiveScience - Strange News - Science Mysteries, Weird Discoveries
- Living To 100 Life Expectancy Calculator
- Lucy Harris - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Human-powered Search
- Main Page - Gutenberg
- National Geographic - Inspiring People to Care About the Planet
- Obsolete Skills: Main/Home Page
- OceansLive :: the Marine Science Portal
- the Marine Science Portal
- Offbeat, Wild, Quirky Landmarks and Roadside Attractions - AOL CityGuide
- Superman's hometown of Metropolis, the Elvis is Alive Museum, New Orleans' House of Voodoo, the SPAM Museum, L.L. Bean's Big Boot, the World's Largest Baseball Bat and more in this photo gallery of strange, weird, wacky landmarks in all 50 states.
- Photos: Pictures that lie | TechRepublic Photo Gallery
- Photograph alteration has a long, seedy history. Digital technology, however, is taking the art to new levels.)
- - Serialized audio books in podcast form
- Free audio books delivered as podcasts. Subscribe for free
to any book and start from chapter one.
- Redheads Going Extinct? - News Bloggers
- Better Red Than DeadAccording to a story in National Geographic, redheads are not long for this earth. Not individual redheads, of course: your eccent
- Robert A. Baron, Mona Lisas - 39: Mona Lisa Book Covers
- scythians and celts - Google Search
- Self Publishing, Self Publish, Online Publishing | Wordclay
- Find the information that you need for online self publishing at Wordclay
- Snopes - Urban Legends Reference Pages
- -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids
- strange maps
- TED: Ideas worth spreading
- TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is an invitation-only event where the world's leading thinkers and doers gather to find inspiration. Initially an annual conference, the scope of TED has expanded to include a bi-annual global conference, a humanitarian prize, and free audio/video podcasts of extraordinary talks.
- The Free Information Society - Knowledge Is Power
- The Good Test
- The Good Test - Find out if you really are a good person.
- The History Channel
- Unintelligent Design Network, Inc.
- The alternative theory to evolution, creationism and intelligent design that Ohio doesn't want you to hear
- Villa Capriani, Main Page, Topsail Island
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Beach, North Carolina vacations, Topsail Dunes, Topsail reef, Topsail Island
vacation rentals, Topsail Island North Carolina, NC vacation rentals and NC
beach rentals, including Villa Capriani
- We need a year end
- General
- Why I will not be hanging my stocking up THIS year
- General
- WorldMap - Your Strategic World Missions Resource - Maps of Bible Translation, Languages, and People Groups - World Map
- This site contains various forms of free information including maps, tabular data sets, and written descriptions about world missions and bible translation status. The information is helpful in assessing the current status of Missions progress throughout the world. It is a constantly expanding site that seeks to produce a strategically significant World Missions Atlas. - Worldmap
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- Fourmilab
- 1000 Awesome Things
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- A Blog on Oddities: the odd, bizarre and strange things of our world!
- WorldWide Telescope
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- Visit many metropolitan areas without leaving your home. View interesting places, your past and present homes, and much more.
- Codex Sinaiticus - Home
- Codex Sinaiticus is one of the most important books in the world. Handwritten well over 1600 years ago, the manuscript contains the Christian Bible in Greek, including the oldest complete copy of the New Testament. The Codex Sinaiticus Project is an international collaboration to reunite the entire manuscript in digital form and make it accessible to a global audience for the first time.
News, Movies, & Video
Movies and Music
- Category:Movies - Mahalo
- This is Mahalo's Movies category page. You'll find links to all of our Movie search results categorized below. Click on "View all in Movies" at the bottom of this page to see every results page related to Movies.
- Fandango - Movie Tickets & Theater Showtimes
- - Movie News, Reviews, Interviews and More! - HOME
- IESB is the source for Movie Reviews, Movie Previews, Movie Trailers, Celebrity Interviews, Red Carpet Interviews, Celebrity Photos, Film Clips, Set Visits, DVDs, TV, Entertainment News, and Movie News.
- - Ted Baehr's Movieguide
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- Poster Art « Lost in Negative Space
- IMEEM - what's on your playlist?
- ROTTEN TOMATOES: Movies - New Movie Reviews and Previews!
- Movie Trailers, Movie Reviews and New Movie Previews from Rotten Tomatoes - The Ultimate Movie Reaction Site!
- Plugged In Online
- Kids-In-Mind: Movie Ratings That Actually Work
- The definitive parents' guide to movies and video since 1992, Kids-In-Mind rates films according to how much sex, nudity, violence, gore and profanity they contain.
- Metacritic - Movie Reviews, TV Reviews, Game Reviews, and Music Reviews
- Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed.
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- Search for movies and TV shows in a whole new way with the Movie Genome, get personal recommendations, watch wherever you choose.
- Reviews & Ratings for Family Movies, TV Shows, Websites, Video Games, Books and Music
- Family Entertainment reviews and ratings for movies, television, video games, music CDs, books, and websites. Common Sense Media helps parents choose what's best for their kids.
- WORLD Magazine - Weekly News, Christian Views
- World News & Prophecy Online- The Blog and PodCast of World News from a Biblical Perspective
- The American View- To Honor God, Defend the Family, Restore the Republic
- F L A M E - Facts&Logic About the Middle East
- Global Incident Map Displaying Terrorist Acts, Suspicious Activity, and General Terrorism News
- MEMRI- The Middle East Media Research Institute
- Michael Yon Online Magazine
- The Big Picture - The British Should Shut Down the Green Lane Mosque and Raze it To the Ground
- - Home
- Arabs for Israel
- Arabs - Christian and Moslem - who support the State of Israel and the cause of Peace in the Middle East
- Islam: Making a True Difference in the World
- The politically incorrect truth about Islam, the "Religion of Peace" (and terror).
- Northeast Intelligence Network | Investigating threats to our homeland
- Investigating threats to our homeland
- Gates of Vienna
- Islam | Faith Freedom International | Ex-muslims, Islam, Mohammad, Against hate
- Muslim Mafia
- The Third Jihad
- The Third Jihad :: Radical Islam's Vision for America :: a documentary film, coming October 5, 2008
- Dr. Tawfik Hamid's Official Website- Part of the Potomac Institute of Policy Studies
- Dr. Tawfik Hamid (aka Tarek Abdelhamid), is an Islamic thinker and reformer, and one time Islamic extremist from Egypt. He was a member of a terrorist Islamic organization JI with Dr. Ayman Al-Zawaherri who became later on the second in command of Al-Qaeda. Some twenty-five years ago, he recognized the threat of Radical Islam and the need for a reformation based upon modern peaceful interpretations of classical Islamic core texts.
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- ACT For Harrisonburg
- Breaking Rumors, News, Truemors
- Gallery of the Absurd
- Way Odd - Funny Free News, Hot Jokes & Humour
- Inquirer
- The world-famous Internet site of the Nationlly Syndicated Neal Boortz Show!
- Campaign for Working Families
- Glenn Beck Program
- the Glenn Beck program
- Home
- Little Green Footballs
- little green footballs - anti-idiotarian headquarters
- The American Spectator
- WADE….
- Politics, Political News -
- POLITICO covers political news with a focus on national politics, Congress, Capitol Hill, the 2008 presidential race, lobbying, advocacy, and more. POLITICO's in-depth coverage includes video features, regular blogs, photo galleries, cartoons, and political forums.
- PolitiFact | Sorting out the truth in politics
- is a project of the St. Petersburg Times to help you find the truth in Washington and the Obama presidency.
- The Christian American - Focused on Truth
- Christian American, Focused On Truth, Political Navigator, Entrepreneur, Debt Free Lifestyle Guide, Encourager of Multiple Streams of Income, Business Owner, TalkShoe Host
- - Big Government
- Ars Technica
- BetaNews | Inside Information; Unreleased Products
- Boy Genius Report
- OSNews is Exploring the Future of Computing
- informs you about the latest news on a vast range of operating systems, from the well-known mainstream OSes, down to small embedded (but also very interesting technically) ones.
- TechNewsWorld- All Tech, All the Time
- The Tech Report - PC Hardware Explored
- Wired News
- ZDNet- Tech News, Blogs and White Papers for IT Professionals
- What's New Now
- A. Larry Ross Communications
- ABC News- Online news, breaking news, feature stories and more
- AOL News
- BBC News - News Front Page - World Edition XML Feed
- breakingnews
- Category:News - Mahalo
- Welcome to Mahalo News! Here's where we keep all the pages on current events and the day's most important breaking stories.
- CBS News Video - Top Stories and Video News Clips at
- CBS News video brings you today's news videos online. Search for clips of top stories, as well as video from 60 Minutes, The Early Show, 48 Hours, and the CBS Evening News, or browse our archive of video clips
- Council on Foreign Relations
- Culture and Media Institute
- Advancing Truth and Virtue in the Public Square
- Denton Orator
- Google News
- Guardian Unlimited
- James Madison University
- Moreover Technologies - Real-Time Online News and Current Awareness Solutions
- MSNBC - Breaking World and US News Stories & Headlines - Get the Latest Business, Health, Entertainment, Sports, & Technology updates from around the world -
- My Way
- New York Post
- News of the World
- - Exposing Liberal Media Bias
- NewsMax- America's News Page
- Propeller
- Richmond Times Dispatch - inRich
- Slate Magazine
- The Breeze - JMU's Student Newspaper
- The Daily News Record- Homepage
- The Weekly Standard
- The Winchester Star
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- US News & World Report - Breaking News, World News, Business News, and America's Best Colleges -
- Wall Street Journal
- Washington Post
- WHSV - HomePage
- WorldNetDaily - A Free Press for a Free People
- Yahoo! News
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- The Official Website of Designer Rich Cando
- » Video: Simpsons opening sequence, Star Wars-style | Geekend |
- AOL Video Blog
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- Blinkx - Online Video Search Engine
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- Learn what the Bible has to say about dinosaurs and man living together at the same time.\r\nRead Job 40:15
- - Intelligent Design is NOT Science???
- This video is a short discussion of a common argument surrounding intelligent design. It shows that the naturalist is guilty of the very charge they bring against the intelligent design theorists.
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- MilkandCookies - Video Clips
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- Miro - free, open source internet tv and video player
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- MySpaceTV Videos: Watch and share your favorite videos, trailers, movies, tv shows, music videos, and clips
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- NewTeeVee
- Revver
- Social Video Search Engine and Video Bookmarking
- Social video search engine, which aggregates videos from Youtube, Google, Myspace, Metacafe, Yahoo and many more video sharing sites. User can create playlist, socialize with friends and syndicate video using gadgets/widgets
- Stage6 · Upload Video Clips. Share, Watch, Download Videos
- Stage 6: A place for people who love video to post videos, share videos, download and watch streaming videos.
- - Funny Videos, Funny Video Clips, Home Videos, and Stupid
- Truveo Video Search
- Search for videos all over the web at Truveo, including videos from YouTube, MySpace, and AOL.
- TV in Japan » This is what TV is like. In Japan.
- This is what TV is like. In Japan.
- TV Squad
- VideoJug - Life Explained. On Film.
- vidiLife - Free video streaming, video hosting, video blog
- vidilife provides Free video streaming, video hosting, video blog
- WeShow (US Edition) - The Best Videos Everywhere
- When TV News Goes Wrong - AOL Video
- YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
- Share your videos with friends and family
- YouTube Downloader
- ZoogaTV: Download Movies, TV Shows and Music Videos
- USTREAM, You're On. Free LIVE VIDEO Streaming, Online Broadcasts. Create webcasts, video chat, stream videos on the Internet. Live streaming videos, TV shows
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- Vimeo, Video Sharing For You
- Vimeo is a respectful community of creative people who are passionate about sharing the videos they make. We provide the best tools and highest quality video in the universe.
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- KickYouTube - Download videos from youtube | KickYouTube
- The Best Way of Downloading YouTube Videos KickYouTube is one of the simplest solutions for downloading YouTube videos. You can download a video in HD, and several other formats. You can also download just the audio in mp3.
- National and Local Weather Forecast, Radar, Map and Report
- The Weather Channel
- -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids
Star Wars
- Darth Vader Transformer
- » Video: Star Wars vs. … Gangsta Rap, Samurai, and Charlie Brown | Geekend |
- SF Signal: Top 10 Star Wars Spoofs
- Photos: In the shadow of 'Star Wars' | TechRepublic Photo Gallery
- Geek Trivia: May the Farce be with you
- Which fan-favorite character debuted in the infamous 1978 <i>Star Wars Holiday Special</i>?
- » TechRepublic’s best of Star Wars | Geekend |
- The History Channel - Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed
- Star Wars - Your Mac Modification HQ - Millenium Falcon Mac mini
- MacMod - Your Mac Modification HQ
- - The Complex and Terrifying Reality of Star Wars Fandom
- The JIVE Magazine Community forum
- New Page 1
- Star Wars MashUps
- Star Wars: Welcome | Introducing Photo Masher
- The Star Wars Artists' Guild - How To Play Sabacc
- Star Wars: Collecting | Recycled Toys
- Star Wars Filmstrip
- What's the best book to film sci-fi (or SF) transition and..
- General
- Flickr: Photos from Official Star Wars Blog
- Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos to the world, securely and privately show photos to your friends and family, or blog the photos you take with a cameraphone.
- » The 100 best reviewed sci-fi movies of all time | Geekend |
- » TechRepublic’s best of Star Wars | Geekend |
- » Preview: Movies about Star Wars (not Star Wars movies) | Geekend |
- » Pic: Your favorite sci-fi spaceships, drawn to scale | Geekend |
- Master Collector ONLINE
- » Dejarik - The ultimate obscure Star Wars pastime | Geekend |
- The MovieWavs Page - Star Wars Wavs Mp3s Movie Quotes Movie Sounds Movie Wavs
- The Best Storehouse of Great Movie, TV Show, and Cartoon Quotes
- » The Top 20 Sci-Fi Starship Captains of All Time | Geekend |
- » Video: Real life X-wing fighter explodes on takeoff | Geekend |
- Coloriage star wars à colorier - Coloriages star wars à imprimer et à colorier.
- Coloriage star wars à colorier - star wars coloriage - Pages de coloriages star wars pour les enfants à imprimer et à colorier.
- LucasFilm VideoPlayer
- YTMND - Star Wars: Episode III - The Backstroke of the west
- artPad
Firefox and Mozilla Links
- Firefox Home
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- Amnesty International
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- Thefacebook
- Palm Search
- Palm - Software Connection
- CalorieKing - Diet and weight loss. Calorie Counter and more.
- Diet and Weight Loss resources. Lose weight the healthy way, Home of USA's most comprehensive food database. Proving trusted diet and weight loss resources, tools, recipes and information. Lose weight the healthy way and keep it off for life.
- James N. Wrght - Fit Tips
Home Pages
- Jamie's Quick Links
- The Beacon Deacon Web Site
- The Beacon Deacon Web Site consists of links regarding Messianic prophecy, the Bible, Christian music, ministries, singleness, pornography, psychology and counseling research, a Christian resource library - the Ichthus Library, and Other Links - personal pages, search engines, maps, finders, computer-related links, telephone and address directories, on-line dictionaries, and some other links of interest. This site serves the purposes of on-line ministry, psychological and counseling research, and as a switchboard to information. This site is an on-line ministry to the glory of Jesus Christ, and it is a site for information seekers and researchers, too. This Web Site is written and maintained by James Johnson also known as the Beacon Deacon
- Free Translation and Professional Translation Services from SDL International
- SDL International is the world's number 1 provider of free and professional language translation services for websites and documents. Translate from English to Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian and Norwegian.
- Mozilla Firefox Start Page
- - Welcome to AOL
- Start your Internet experience at and find what you are looking for; including AOL downloads, video on demand, email, and more.
- Cygwin Information and Installation
- Dictionary and Thesaurus - Merriam-Webster Online
- Free online dictionary, thesaurus, spanish-english and medical dictionaries, audio pronunciations, Word of the Day, word games, and many more high-quality Merriam-Webster language resources.
- WORLD Magazine | Today's News, Christian Views
- World Magazine is a full color biweekly news magazine that provides complete coverage of national news and international news, written from a Christian perspective.
- JMU - University Program Board
- UPB, James Madison University, University Program Board, Program Board, Activities, Video, jMubilee, Lupe Fiasco, Ben Folds, Recycled Percussion, Grafton, Grafton-Stovall, Theater, Film, Calendars
- I Am Bored - Sites for when you're bored.
- Are you bored? lists places to go when you are feeling bored.
- Avatars & Animated Characters – Create Virtual Talking Characters for Your Website, Flash Movies, and Blogs!
- SitePal allows you to easily design animated speaking characters (avatars) for your website or blog. Enrich the user experience and improve business results - 15 day free trial.
- Protect your Windows XP Computer
- This page provides a security essentials checklist for setting up Windows XP computers for the University of Delaware community.
- AnswersThatWork - PC Tuning & Troubleshooting, HelpDesk, Computer Tips & Solutions
- AnswersThatWork is the ultimate online HelpDesk for PC Tuning & Troubleshooting, Computer Tips & Solutions for PC, Network, Software, Hardware, or Networking Problems.
- Face of the Future
- Jamie Johnson Web Portal
- Johnson Journals
- 10 Ergonomic Ways to Enhance Your Office Space - Reviews by PC Magazine
- Make your work space as ergonomic as possible with this gravity chair, leg-mounted mouse pad, single-handed keyboard, and more.
- AOL Jobs - Articles - Your Six Biggest Cubicle Complaints ... Solved - AOL Find a Job
- Incessant phone-ringing, constant keyboard clacking, neighbors chatting: these are but a few of the annoyances cubicle dwellers must deal with on a daily basis. While working in an open-plan environment has its perks -- easy interaction with teammates and increased camaraderie, to name just two -- it can be challenging when colleagues don't heed proper workplace etiquette.The tricky thing about cubicle courtesy is that those who offend their co-workers may not even realize it. And it can be awkward to voice your grievances, especially if a longtime colleague is the one driving you mad. Following are some common cubicle complaints you may have and tips for tackling them:Complaint: "Things keep disappearing off my desk."What not to do: If you see your stapler is missing, quickly swipe someone else's to replace it.What to do: It's hard to monitor your belongings when you're away from your workspace, but you can help crack the problem when you are there. The next time someon
- ApertureScience
- Are You Obsessed With Your Job? - AOL Find a Job
- It's 9 PM, and you're still at the office. You promised your spouse that tonight was the night you'd be home by 6 PM After all, you haven't even made it home for dinner since ... come to think of it, you can't remember the last time you were home before 10 PM or your dinner didn't consist of processed vending machine fare. But it's not your fault, you tell yourself. If you don't do it, who will?Putting in a little overtime is one thing, but how do you know when "enough" is too much? According to Workaholics Anonymous (WA), working more than 40 hours per week can be an indication of workaholism. Taking your work home with you, fearing that a lack of hard work will get you fired, and letting your personal relationships suffer from the long hours you put in are three more indicators of workaholic behavior, WA says. The concept of workaholism has always been controversial. After all, who is to say you don't just love your job or are a hard worker? "A workaholic is not t
- Ars Technica
- BASIC Source Code - The Free Information Society
- C++ Source Code - The Free Information Society
- Coding Horror
- Company Names
- Configure separate wallpapers for multiple Windows XP monitors
- Seeing double? If you use more than one monitor on your Windows XP system, you can configure separate desktop wallpapers without using third-party software. Here's how to break up the monotony of having the same old wallpaper.
- Cool Geek Gifts
- Create an IP address tracking batch tool in Windows XP Pro
- Finding your network's free IP addresses in Windows XP Pro can work a little too well, giving you more entries than you can easily manage. Here's how to narrow your search for unused IP addresses and output the results to a short, easy-to-read text file.
- Dice
- Download Squad
- Emerging Technology - Infrastructure - Jim Rapoza's Ten Most Wanted Future Technologies
- Emerging Technology - Mobile and Wireless - Jim Rapoza's First Movers that Flopped
- Engadget
- ExamForce
- X-Cart: full-featured PHP/MySQL shopping cart software & ecommerce solutions for the best ecommerce websites
- Expert Help - Tools, Tips, and Solutions for the Internet Age
- Provides desktop solutions, internet solutions, PC Magazine utilities, solutions for web designers and builders.
- Feature from PC Magazine: 2006 Year In Review
- We rate the best and worst of the year in technology, from ultra-cool PCs, phones, and cameras to a company called Revoltec.
- Finding the Slacker-Worker Equilibrium
- Experts agree that getting good work done isn't about working obsessively for every second of the day. It's about finding a balance to get work done more efficiently by allowing for breaks.
- Forcing Windows XP's Disk Cleanup to delete all temporary files
- You may have found that Windows XP's Disk Cleanup utility misses a spot from time to time, retaining temporary files most recently accessed. Here's how to perform a clean sweep of your Windows XP files by forcing Disk Cleanup to get rid of all your temporary files.
- Geek Culture/After Y2K/The Joy of Tech: pretty much everything you've ever wanted.
- For those who love computers, technology, and cool stuff like cartoons, downloads, geek erotica, and a fun look at geek culture.
- Geek is chic. | geeksugar - Technology, Gadgets, & How Tos.
- Get Me The Geeks!, How Tricky Technology Is Giving Rise To The Geeks - CBS News
- The increasingly complicated electronics our society relies on have given rise to the geeks - the essential technicians who set up our gadgets, including TVs, computers and hand-held devices. <b>Steve Kroft</b> reports.
- Gizmodo, the Gadget Guide
- Hack N Mod - Amazingly Cool Hacks, Mods, and Projects
- Downright the best hacks and mods anywhere on the net. Find thousands of hacking projects and tutorials in over 20 different categories: iPods, Cell Phones, Windows, Xbox 360, Robots, Mac, NES, Atrari, Robots, Lasers, Case Mods, Airsoft - We've hacked them all!
- How to Idle Your Way to the Top
- How to Idle Your Way to the Top - How To Idle Your Way to the Top Slide 1
- 'I Quit!' 15 Reasons You Probably Left Your Last IT Job
- Is your network for work or for play?
- Letting employees access social networking and streaming media Web sites doesn't just put a drain on your bandwidth—it can also open up your company to a host of risks. Mike Mullins tells you how to become the most unpopular person in your company by shutting down access.
- IT's Most Taxing Tasks - Humor / Careers slide teaser
- - Download Freeware and Shareware Computer Utilities.
- ... Download freeware and shareware software utilities. Download files for your computer that tweak, repair, enhance, protect ...
- Mr. C’s Top 10 Current IT Buzzwords - Mr. C’s Top 10 Current IT Buzzwords
- Mr. C's Top 15 Current IT Buzzwords - Mr. C’s Top 15 Current IT Buzzwords slide3
- Notebook Hardware Control (NHC) - Homepage, Downloads, Help, Docu, FAQ, News -
- With Notebook Hardware Control you can easily control the hardware components of your Notebook.
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- Download thousands of free SNES ROMS, Sega Genesis ROMS, NeoGeo ROMS, NES ROMS, MAME ROMS, Nintendo ROMS, Gameboy ROMS, GBA ROMS, Sega Master System, MSX, Game Gear, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 78, Atari Lynx, ColecoVision, Watara, Vectrex, N64, Playstation, PSX, PS2, Virtual Boy, Neo Geo Pocket, TG16, PCE, Raine, and the emulators for each game system. Every ROM! All FREE ROM Downloads! Full ROM sets!
- Slideshow: 15 Must-Reads for Tech Pros - Cam Martson
- stackoverflow
- Switched: Gadgets, Tech, Digital Stuff for the Rest of Us
- Gadgets, tech, digital stuff--for the rest of us.
- TechRepublic - A Resource for IT Professionals
- TechRepublic provides real world advice on how to make technology
work in business. Through a combination of articles, forums, and multimedia,
TechRepublic cuts through the hype with insight, analysis, and actionable
information from a community of over four million IT professionals.
- The Best IT Advice I Ever Got
- The Digital Cutting Room - The Digital Cutting Room - Review by PC Magazine
- Looking to drop a few thousand bucks on a new HD camcorder? Consider this: Without the right software to edit your footage, you're wasting your money. Luckily, killer new versions of Adobe Premiere and Apple Final Cut recently hit store shelves. We put these digital editing powerhouses head-to-head to help you choose.
- The DOS Index
- The Old Computer Dot Com | Main Menu | Old Computer Computers Consoles Games and much much more |
- The Internets Largest Dedicated Retro Gaming and Computing Website
- The Seven Deadly IT Sins - Title
- The Worst Cube-Dwelling Offenses - The Worst Cube-Dwelling Offenses Slide 1
- ThinkGeek :: Stuff for Smart Masses
- Selling geek t-shirts, mugs, ties, high caffeine products, and many other gifts for programmers, linux hackers, and open source geeks.
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- || technology and culture, from the trenches
- Columns »
- Geekologie - Gadgets, Gizmos, and Awesome
- Geekologie is website dedicated to the scientific study of gadgets, gizmos, and awesome.
- Gadget, PC, Camera and Geek's Stuffs from Japan
- Kioskea - Computing community
- Kioskea - Troubleshoot, Get help, Learning to computers and new technologies: computers, networks, software, databases, programming languages.
- Gajitz | Great Gadgets, Strange Science & Technology with a Twist
- Reviews, News, and How To Geeks - Download Our 140 Twitter Tips!
- Join us to start sharing your reviews, news, and how to clues- this community is here for everybody to use!
- The Man in Blue > Code & Beauty
- The Man in Blue showcases the writing and Web design of Cameron Adams.
- Cool Websites, Software and Internet Tips
- Cool websites, cool software apps, howto articles and Internet tips.
- Linux for Beginners
- It's free! You can tailor it to your own needs! There's a distro for every need! Sure, Linux is tempting, but getting started isn't so easy. eWEEK Labs offers advice for getting your head, and your organization, around Linux.
- Hacking Ubuntu to Improve Performance
- We hack the hottest Linux distro to speed its performance, view running processes, identify resources, and plenty more.
- It's Here! Ubuntu 7.10 Arrives
- The latest and greatest Ubuntu arrived on Oct. 18.
- Apple Macintosh Freeware - Free Open Source Software for Your Mac
- These free, open source applications offer many of the features found in popular commercial software. Check them out!
- Apple Macintosh OS X - Using Exposé for Quick Desktop Access
- Exposé in OS X 10.3 Panther and later offers quick access to the Desktop. Simply press the F11 key and Exposé will hide all open windows. Use Exposé in OS X to move a file, copy a file or place an alias on the Desktop.
- Remote Access Apple Mac OS X via Windows » Raymond.CC Blog
- Windows XP and Windows 2003 has a built-in Remote Desktop for you can see the desktop of a remote machine ...
- Focus on Macs - Tips / Tutorials - AppleScript
- AppleScript is an English-like language used to write script files to automate tasks. Write your own scripts or use your Mac's built-in Script Menu to access dozens of preinstalled scripts.
- VMware Looks to Slice Up Apple's Mac
- With competition growing in this particular space, the virtualization company is launching the full version of its "Fusion" product for Apple's Macintosh.
- Apple Macintosh Manuals - Apple New User Guides - Fast Start Series
- Apple's new user guides lead you through the basic steps to get you
started fast. Find links to the latest software downloads,
installation instructions, helpful troubleshooting guides and more.
- Peachpit: Macintosh Reference Guide > Mac OS X Startup Keystrokes
- Mac OS X Startup key sequences » EverythingTech
- - Documentation
- Apple Macintosh Troubleshooting - Troubleshooting Startup Issues
- Having trouble starting up your Mac? Try these troubleshooting steps compiled from the Apple Support web site.
- His Mansion Ministries - Home
- His Mansion Ministries, His Mansion is a Christ-centered residential care program. We help men and women between 18-35 years of age that have difficult life situations.
- "Book Study" logo - Google Image Search
- American Values - Home
- Frey Family Website
- Bible Study Bus - 2007 Road Trip America
- The Good Test
- The Good Test - Find out if you really are a good person.
- Welcome to the official site of NOOMA. brings you the latest news, exclusive NOOMA products, and is the only place for full length previews of NOOMAs.
- FREE Spiritual Gifts Analysis
Mozilla Firefox
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- Index of /pub/
- - Passage Lookup: Jude 1
- Spiral Of Life
- The Nephilim
- Nephilim - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Nephilim
- Genesis 6:4 states 'The Nephilim were on the earth in those days --and also afterwards-- when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.' The Nephilim were a race of giants that ...
- Return of the Nephilim. Alternative Bible prophecy in the news Messianic magazine reporting the End Times New World Order
- Return of the Nephilim is an alternative Bible prophecy in the news Messianic magazine reporting the End Times New World Order and the deceptive UFO phenomenon
- Notes on the Nephilim: The Giants of Old
- Who Were the Nephilim?
- Nephilim (WebBible Encyclopedia) - ChristianAnswers.Net
- description and definition
- Bible Study - Nephilim, Rephaim, Anakim, Emim
- Nephilim, Rephaim, Anakim, Emim. Bible Study. Discover the amazing truth of the Gospel. Eternal life. Christian living. Bible people, places, things. End time prophecy. Many worldwide study links.
- Listing of directory: /rckrol308/
- Sons of God, Daughters of Men - Who are the Nephilim?
- Were the Nephilim Extraterrestrials? - ChristianAnswers.Net
- Has earth been visited by extraterrestrials? Could life exist 'out there'? What about UFOs and government cover-ups?
- The Nephilim Giants
- Return of the Nephilim - Google Video
- Chuck Missler on present-day UFOs, spotted from earth as well as by astronauts, (de)materialisation, hyperdimensions, Majestic-12, CIA, Eloh.... 2 hr 0 min 1 sec.
- Look…The Nephilim Are Here
- Look…The Nephilim Are Here. The debate rages on. Does
- Nephilim ©2004
- UFOs, Aliens, Fallen Angels, Nephilim and Their Ranks
- UFOs, Fallen angels, aliens, Nephilim, demons and their ranks
- Ezekiel Wheels, UFOs, Elohim, Seraphim, Alien Hybrids and Nephilim
- Ezekiel's
- Giants-Nephilim-Alien-Demon? - Google Video
- A video with picture of giant skeletons, and other rare pictures.. 2 min 40 sec.
- The Nephilim
- Who are the sons of God and the Nephilim?
- Nephilim
- Essays, articles, and resources for Nephilim
- Nephilim: Information from
- Nephilim (Avernum) Nephilim are cat -like people in the Avernum and Exile computer role-playing game series by Spiderweb Software
- Book of Enoch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- The Book of Enoch and The Secrets of Enoch
- Books of Enoch: Translations by R.H. Charles and Richard Laurence; also includes the
- The Book of Enoch
- The Book of Enoch translated from the Dead Sea Scrolls
- Invisible Secrets (exe), from Neobyte Solutions - Software Downloads - TechRepublic
- Invisible Secrets allows you to encrypt and hide files in other files (carriers) which are not suspect of encryption (JPG, PNG, BMP). First, It will encrypt the sensitive data using a specified password and cryptosystem (algorithm). After that, the encrypted data will be inserted in the carrier. <!-- files,carrier,encrypt,data,password,hide -->
- AXCEL216 / MDGx WinDOwS Easter Eggs
- AXCEL216 MAX Speed Performance Windows 2003 XP SP1 ME 2000 2K 98 SE OSR2 OSR1 95 NT4 3.1 DOS 8 7 6 Tricks Secrets Tips Tweaks Hacks Fixes MDGx
- Index of /webdav
- How to Hack Everything - Hack Everything - Expert Help by PC Magazine
- Hackers aren't magicians; they just like having things their way. To make your computer, Apple TV, or other device work for you doesn't require smoke and mirrors—you just need the right know-how.
- Index of /pub/
- Looking back at Microsoft Excel Easter Eggs | TechRepublic Photo Gallery
- Microsoft’s developers hid some really elaborate Easter Eggs in Excel 95/97/2000.)
- Virginia Courts Case Information
- Looking back at Microsoft PowerPoint Easter Eggs | TechRepublic Photo Gallery
- Microsoft’s developers hid multiple Easter Eggs in PowerPoint 95/97/2000. )
- Looking back at Microsoft Word Easter Eggs | TechRepublic Photo Gallery
- Microsoft’s developers hid multiple Easter Eggs in Word 95/97/2000. )
- Looking back at Microsoft Outlook Easter Eggs | TechRepublic Photo Gallery
- Microsoft’s developers hid some interesting Easter Eggs in Outlook 97 and 2000)
- Looking back at Microsoft Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 Easter Eggs | TechRepublic Photo Gallery
- In the early days, developers buried Easter Eggs in Windows.)
- Looking back at Microsoft Windows 98 Easter Eggs | TechRepublic Photo Gallery
- In the early days, developers buried Easter Eggs in Windows.)
- Take a look at OpenOffice game Easter Eggs | TechRepublic Photo Gallery
- You can find a couple of hidden Easter Eggs in 2.)
- Do You Know Your Terror Threat Score?
- Opinion: The Department of Homeland Security is using massive databases and data mining software to assign terror "risk assessment" scores to every person who crosses the United States' borders. But travelers have no way of finding out what score they have earned or what information the government has gathered about their movements.
- The New Attack Pattern
- Opinion: Danger still lurks, but things have gotten a lot better for the average computer user.
- Security Watch from PC Magazine - What's Up, .DOC?: Top Threat: Another .DOC Zero-Day
- Two more Microsoft Word zero-day attacks have the industry scrambling.
Plus: Three critical Microsoft released.
- Aviv Raff On .NET - Phishing using IE7 local resource vulnerability
- Browser Security Test
- Protection from Adware, Spam, Viruses, Online Scams | McAfee SiteAdvisor
- McAfee SiteAdvisor - Protection from adware, spam, viruses, and online scams.
- Disable round robin DNS resolution in Windows Server 2003
- You may be accustomed to striking a balance in your Windows Server 2003 using round robin, but sometimes you might want to concentrate all that load on one IP address. Here's how to disable round robin and free up the other server addresses at the same time.
- Energize your Windows Server 2003 scripts using PowerShell
- When you combine Linux's command line capabilities with Windows Server 2003's install base, you get PowerShell, Microsoft's powerful scripting tool. Scott Lowe talks about how you can get PowerShell, and how it can help you evaluate your scripting options before you execute them.
- » Why developers should check out ColdFusion 8 | Programming and Development |
- Adobe – Adobe AIR Developer Center for HTML and Ajax
- Ajax
- We will create a new submit behaviour for the form. By default, the form will submit the data to a different page. We need to change this behaviour so that when the form is submited, a javascript function will be called.
- AJAX and the Road to Bad Web Sites - Columns by PC Magazine
- When AJAX is done right, it can be spectacular. But AJAX is terrible for general—purpose Web site design—worse than Flash ever was.
- AJAX Introduction
- Free HTML XHTML CSS JavaScript DHTML XML DOM XSL XSLT RSS AJAX ASP ADO PHP SQL tutorials, references, examples for web building.
- qooxdoo » Home
- qooxdoo is an advanced open-source JavaScript-based GUI framework. It helps you to implement AJAX-enhanced web 2.0 applications - easier than ever before.
- Investigate application issues with Web server logs
- Do you really want to spend hours upon hours tracking down and then debugging Web application issues? Tony Patton explains how Web server logging can make developers' lives much easier.
- 5 Steps to Next-Generation Web Applications
- New Web applications are bringing the world closer to the Web as operating system.
- You Down with AOP?
- Aspect-oriented programming brings power and simplicity to complex systems.
- Free Internet Phone Service From AIM Phoneline - Free Local Phone Number
- Get AIM Digits - a free local phone number - with AIM Phoneline, a free Internet phone service. Receive phone calls on your PC via Internet from any phone.
- :: Live Studio BETA
- Jott™ - Official Site
- Free voice to text service. It's like your own personal assistant.
- meebo, the web messenger that lets you access IM from absolutely anywhere. meebo supports msn, yahoo, aol/aim, google talk (gtalk), jabber and icq.
- Picnik - edit photos the easy way, online in your browser
- Picnik makes your photos fabulous with easy to use yet powerful editing tools. Tweak to your heart's content, then get creative with oodles of effects, fonts, shapes, and frames.
- Netvibes (20)
- Welcome to eyeOS
- .:: NOTEPAD++ ::.
- 30 Boxes | Online Calendar
- 30 Boxes is almost certainly the easiest way to share your calendar and your web stuff online. Organize your life, share all or parts of it with friends.
Post it to your blog. Track your friends online including their Flickr, Webshots, Vox, Facebook, MySpace, blogs, and more! It's quite simply the world's most open social network.
- Cozi™ - Free family calendar, shopping and grocery lists, messaging, and photo screen saver
- Get started with Cozi, a free family-ready software service that combines a shared family calendar, shopping lists and to do lists, photo collage screen saver with reminders, and quick messages accessible from any PC or mobile phone. Cozi also includes an ever-changing photo collage screensaver that beautifully displays the digital photos from your PC and even allows you to share the collages with friends and family.
- Clipmarks - Clip the highlights
- Connecting people with information.
- » Reset Internet Explorer’s window size in Windows XP | Microsoft Windows |
- Acid Tests - The Web Standards Project
- Browser sniffer - a VERY bad thing to rely on!
- Firefox 3.0 Alpha Is for Developers Only
- Review: The Mozilla Foundation recently released the first alpha of Firefox 3.0, but almost all the changes are below the surface.
- Firefox Campus Edition
- Javascript - Benchmark - W3C DOM vs. innerHTML
- Javascript speed tests .: Celtic Kane
- Test your web design in different browsers - Browsershots - Browsershots
- Browser Security Test
- Browser News
- This weekly web-based newsletter offers news about browsers and web design, helps you find browsers old and new, presents design resources, and reports internet statistics.
- Style table borders with CSS
- Web developer Tony Patton examines how to use CSS to style the borders of HTML tables. He also offers examples that show how the CSS border property can specify the size of the border along with its color and type.
- Control table appearance with CSS
- The final installment of the three-part series on styling HTML table elements with CSS concludes with a focus on spacing and table layout.
- Essential bookmarks for web-designers and webdevelopers | CSS, Color Tools, Royalty free photos, Usability etc.
- A list of essential web-sites, tutorials, references and examples, which make the life of web developers easier.
- Web Developer's Handbook | CSS, Web Development, Color Tools, SEO, Usability etc.
- Web Developer's Handbook is a list of essential web-sites, which make the life of web developers easier. Compiled and updated by Vitaly Friedman
- Adapt to your audience with CSS media types
- The CSS media type allows you to build Web applications that take into account how users may use or view your site. Find out more about including media type support in your apps.
- » CSS 101: Styling the cursor | Programming and Development |
- » Control element placement with CSS stacking | Programming and Development |
- Essential bookmarks for web-designers and webdevelopers | CSS, Color Tools, Royalty free photos, Usability etc.
- A list of essential web-sites, tutorials, references and examples, which make the life of web developers easier.
- Web Developer's Handbook | CSS, Web Development, Color Tools, SEO, Usability etc.
- Web Developer's Handbook is a list of essential web-sites, which make the life of web developers easier. Compiled and updated by Vitaly Friedman
- Pure CSS Popups Bug - IE Bug
- IE Bug Pure CSS Pop Ups
- CSS 101: Handling multiple rules for the same element
- Tony Patton focuses on CSS fundamentals and explains how multiple rules for the same element are handled. Multiple rules ensure that there will be no surprises for either you or the user community.
- CSS 101: Locate and style Web elements with selectors
- Selectors allow Web developers to choose elements for applying CSS styles to them. Tony Patton offers an overview of six of the available selector types.
- css if - else statments -
- css if - else statments CSS
- /with Imagination: Dustin Diaz
- » Book review: The Art & Science Of CSS | Programming and Development |
- CSS Reference Table
- CSS3 . Info - All you ever needed to know about CSS3
- CSS3
Database and Reporting
- Databases for Beginners
- Are you new to the world of databases? Wondering where to get started? In this series of articles, we introduce you to the basics of database technology and help you get started in this exciting field.
- ADO Tutorial
- Free HTML XHTML CSS JavaScript DHTML XML DOM XSL XSLT RSS AJAX ASP ADO PHP SQL tutorials, references, examples for web building.
- SQL Tutorial
- Well organized easy to understand SQL tutorial with lots of examples. Including PHP, ASP, ADO, Oracle, Access, SQL Server. Related: HTML, JavaScript, XML, XQuery
- SQR Programmer Reference Card
- SQR Programming Language Technical Information:
- SQR programming language resources
- Learn distinctions between inline and block HTML elements
- When laying out and designing Web applications, it's important to know the distinctions between inline and block elements. Learn about both elements, and find out how you can use CSS to override an element's default behavior.
- XHTML™ 2.0
- Sams Teach Yourself HTML 4 in 24 Hours > Hour 19. Web Page Scripting for Non-Programmers
- XHTML Character Entity Reference
- A quick reference guide of HTML tags and their attributes, from John Lee - Downloads - TechRepublic
- <p>Creating documents in HTML or with HTML tags is a common task for many IT professionals these days. This colorful quick reference download will save you time and aggravation when you are trying to remember the syntax of a certain HTML tag or attribute. Print out a copy and keep it handy at your desk or keep a virtual copy on your virtual desktop. </p>
- Developing an HTML-formatted mail message
- Creating HTML-based e-mails for newsletters or other content is a simple process if you adhere to a few guidelines like using tables for layout, keeping the design simple, and sticking with inline CSS.
- /with Imagination: Dustin Diaz
- Demonstration of Different ways to Play a Sound from a Web Page
- Why Web developers shouldn't ignore older technologies
- Tony Patton explains that, while it is good to know about the latest Web development technology, it is just as important to be aware of older standards to develop usable Web applications.
- Keeping Your Kids Safer Online with Internet Filtering
- If you wish to control the information which users may access on the Internet (for example, limiting access for children to age-appropriate content), you may want to consider installing filtering software.
- How the Internet took over -
- Twenty-five years ago the Internet as we now know it was in the process of being birthed by the National Science Foundation. Since then it's been an information explosion. From e-mail to eBay, communication and shopping have forever changed.
- Emerging Technology - Web Technology - Do You Know Your Web 2.0?
- YouTube - The Machine is Us/ing Us (Final Version)
- "Web 2.0" in just under 5 minutes.http://mediatedcultures.netThis is a slightly revised and cleaned up version of the video that was featured on YouTube in F...
- Emerging Technology - Web Technology - Jim Rapoza's Top Web Developer Mistakes
- Our Favorite 100 Blogs 2007 - Our 100 Favorite Blogs - News and Analysis by PC Magazine
- SitePoint : New Articles, Fresh Thinking for Web Developers and Designers
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- Netcraft provide monthly Internet research reports on the hosting industry and specialise in phishing detection and countermeasures
- 10 Perl modules all Java developers should know
- There are numerous CPAN modules which are designed to import Java classes into Perl scripts or access Java APIs like Swing, JDBC and JNI. This document lists the ten most important and useful modules in this collection.
- Design your Java applications to be more accessible with JAAPI
- Did you know that you can use a rich palette of accessibility tools to make your Java application more accessible to users with disabilities? Learn how to incorporate the Java Accessibility API (JAAPI) in your application development work.
- » Introducing JavaFX: Sun’s new family of Java-based products | Programming and Development |
- Natural Programming
- Apatite
- Jadeite - Java Documentation with Extra Information Tacked-on for Emphasis
- Create data structures with JavaScript arrays
- The JavaScript array object provides powerful support for assigning multiple data values to one variable, but you can also use it to utilize stack and queue data structures in an application. Get more information about JavaScript stacks and queues.
- JavaScript Special Characters
- Free HTML XHTML CSS JavaScript DHTML XML DOM XSL XSLT RSS AJAX ASP ADO PHP SQL tutorials, references, examples for web building.
- /with Imagination: Dustin Diaz
- - JavaScript Auto-Sizing Image Popup Window Script
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- Get the code! With CodeLifter 5.0 -- the ultimate tool for viewing page code, even on no-right-click protected pages, referer pages, and more.
- - JavaScipt 2-Way Background Images SlideShow Script
- Get the code! With CodeLifter 5.0 -- the ultimate tool for viewing page code, even on no-right-click protected pages, referer pages, and more.
- Accessing form data via JavaScript and the DOM
- The HTML Document Object Model (DOM) provides everything necessary to access the contents of an HTML page. Tony Patton examines the various ways to access page elements and describes how to create them.
- Simplify JavaScript development with jQuery
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Server Date JavaScript
- get server date with javascript - Google Search
- Get Server Date in JavaScript - ProgrammingTalk
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- [Archive] Is it possible to get server time with Javascript? JavaScript
- Write the current date using JavaScript
- Using the date() object in JavaScript, we can print the current date in a variety of popular formats.
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- JavaScript RegExp Object - Using Regular Expressions with Client Side Scripting
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- Personalized Recommendations to Help You Discover the Best of the Web
- MelZoo
- Top 100 Classic Websites - Top 100 Classic Web Sites - News and Analysis by PC Magazine
- PC Magazine's definitive list of the best that the Internet has to offer in 2007.
- Top 100 Undiscovered Web Sites - Top 100 Undiscovered Web Sites - News and Analysis by PC Magazine
- Our picks for the top new or under-the-radar sites of 2007. You may not know many of the sites on this list, but you should.
- 25 Great Geek Websites
- We realize you can't spend all your Web surfing time here at ExtremeTech. If you're looking for other geeky, glorious sites to surf, here are some of our own personal favorites.
- The Best Free Software - Reviews by PC Magazine
- 157 software tools. No fees. No expiration dates. No problems. Sometimes even no downloads. No kidding.
- Web Sites - Reviews and Price Comparisons ? from PC Magazine
- PC Magazine provides up-to-date coverage and product reviews of Web sites
- Educational Web Sites - 700+ Great Sites - Reviews by PC Magazine
- PC Magazine Reviews 700+ Great Sites. The World Wide Web may be the biggest library ever, and the American Library Association is out to tame it, with links to 700-plus educational sites that ALA members have reviewed and recommended.
- Protection from Adware, Spam, Viruses, Online Scams | McAfee SiteAdvisor
- McAfee SiteAdvisor - Protection from adware, spam, viruses, and online scams.
- Free Funny Ecards and Greeting Cards for Birthday, Valentine's Day, Flirting, Dating, Friendship, Weddings, Anniversary, Current Events, Sports, News and more at
- Greg Rutter's Definitive List of The 99 Things You Should Have Already Experienced On The Internet Unless You're a Loser or Old or Something
- The Web Standards Project
- The Web Standards Project is a grassroots coalition fighting for standards which ensure simple, affordable access to web technologies for all.
- - The Art of Accessibility - Home Page
- A showcase and awards site featuring accessible, usable, universal, standards-compliant, and stunningly designed web sites
- Checklist of Checkpoints for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
- Using XOOPS to build a news site
- IT Downloads, Tips, and Techniques for Information Technology Professionals
- Enhance Web application design with Dojo | Programming and Development |
- » Check out these Web development tools from Microsoft | Programming and Development |
- What Microsoft's Expression line offers Web designers
- The Microsoft Expression product line encompasses all facets of user interface design for both Windows and Web clients. Find out why designers are focusing their attention on Expression Web.
- Home - Kintera Inc.
- Kintera®, Inc. (NASDAQ: KNTA) provides an online solution to help nonprofit organizations deliver The Giving Experience to donors. Kintera Sphere software as a service technology platform enables organizations to quickly and easily reach more people, raise more money and run more efficiently.
- AM-DeadLink: The Right Tool for the Job? | TechRepublic Photo Gallery
- AM-DeadLink is a handy freeware application that helps you clean the dead links from your Internet Explorer, Firefox, Mozilla, or Opera bookmarks or favorites list.)
- » Yahoo! Pipes brings mashups to the masses | Programming and Development |
- Expression Web integration with Office (Microsoft Expression Web: The Right Tool for the Job?)
- Article Discussion
- » Monitor Web site requests with Mozilla’s LiveHTTPHeaders extension | Programming and Development |
- Website SEO Score
- Website Grader is a Free SEO Report tool that evaluates your website on marketing and search engine optimization. Get your free report at for advice on how to better do Internet marketing for your business.
- Base64 and URL Encoding and Decoding
- Encodes or decodes data in Base64 or URL encoding using client side JavaScript
- What is in your Web development toolbox?
- Most developers have strong opinions about tools, especially ones they love. Tony Patton offers a list of his must-have applications, and asks other developers to discuss what's in their toolbox.
- Tour of Basecamp
- A tour of the major Basecamp features
- - Create No-Code Mashups with Yahoo! Pipes - Expert Help by PC Magazine
- Even if you don't wear a hat with a propeller or write code, you can "mash up" a brand-new Web service right now. By Bill Dyszel
- Speakeasy - Speed Test
- Test the speed of your internet connection with Speakeasy's speed test.
- Pagetest - where web sites go to get FAST!
- Speed up the performance of your web pages with an automated analysis
- SunSpider JavaScript Benchmark (In Progress...)
- » 10 JSP tag libraries no programmer should be without | Programming and Development |
- XML Lesson 10: XForms &# [ ]
- Use XForms to create forms on different platforms - These forms will be accessible and separate purpose from presentation
- Backdooring MP3 Files | GNUCITIZEN
- MP3 files can be backdoored with malicious content too. Over the past few days I have been exploring different features of Apple�s QuickTime player - key software component of iTunes and standard part of many home and business workstations. A lot of research was conducted and some problems, which IMHO are quite serious, were found. Please take this post as a security notice.
- Pageflakes - Get it Together
- Pageflakes is your personalized start page with news readers, RSS feeds and various other features
- ProgrammableWeb - Mashups, APIs, and the Web as Platform
- Second Life: Your World. Your Imagination.
- ASP Scripts | Free ASP Scripts | Free ASP Scripts for ASP Programmers
- Free ASP Scipts. Free asp scripts for ASP programmers to use on your web sites.
- Use screen savers to keep track of multiple Windows XP computers
- If you use multiple Windows XP computers from a single monitor, here's how to work with the screen saver icon to avoid headaches and keep your systems straight.
XP icons in Paint
- Create your own Windows XP icons in Paint
- Feeling creative? You can make your very own icons for your shortcuts with Windows XP's built-in Paint program. Here's how to paint yourself some new icons without having to clean brushes afterward.
- 59 Ways to Supercharge Windows - Browser Boosters: Send Page By Email - Expert Help by PC Magazine
- Sure, Vista's new Internet Explorer 7 does far more than the antiquated IE6. But there's still room for improvement (which may involve Firefox, Flock, and Opera).
- Download an extension to learn more about Windows XP fonts
- If you're curious to learn more about the fonts on your Windows XP machine, there's a free and handy extension that will give you the scoop. It also helps you see which fonts are already on your machine.
- How do I… Manage disk quotas on Windows server operating systems
- Microsoft Windows server operating systems simplify managing the amount of network storage space users receive. Here's how to set warning messages and disk quotas using both the Windows Server 2003 and Windows Small Business Server 2003 operating systems.
- Domain Admin Password Recovery
- Windows 2000
- How do I... Add image thumbnails to Microsoft Windows Explorer? | TechRepublic Photo Gallery
- When you are dealing with a folder in Microsoft Windows containing numerous images, it is often very helpful to see thumbnail representations of those images in the Windows Explorer display. This built-in functionality is available in both Windows XP and Windows Vista, but how you turn the feature off and on is slightly different for each version. This TechRepublic How do I... explains how to turn on the thumbnail feature and how to change the layout of Windows Explorer to accommodate the thumbnail images when they are active.)
Vista-Office 2007
- Windows Vista - Reviews and Price Comparisons – from PC Magazine
- PC Magazine provides up-to-date coverage and product reviews of Windows Vista
- Scale your Vista deployment plan with imaging tools
- Deploying a new operating system presents more and more challenges as your organization grows. When it comes to deploying Windows Vista, there are a slew of free tools to help you get the job done.
- Running the Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor on a new computer
- Greg Shultz runs the Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor on a new machine to see what it would tell him about the system's Windows Vista capability.
- Mini-glossary: Windows Vista terms you should know, from Deb Shinder - Downloads - TechRepublic
- Even if you don't plan to jump on the Vista bandwagon right now, it's still a good idea to brush up on the terminology surrounding the new OS. IT pros are already slinging around the Vista lingo, from DWM to ReadyBoost to service isolation.<br /><br />Windows expert <a href=>Deb Shinder</a> built this mini-glossary, which defines more than 80 terms relating to Vista's features and its associated technologies.
<br /><br />This download is
- 10+ tweaks, tricks, and hacks to make Windows Vista fly, from Mark W. Kaelin - Downloads - TechRepublic
- <p>No matter how well designed an operating system purports to be, there are always to tweak it for performance. Here are 10+ tweaks, tricks, and hacks you can apply to Microsoft Windows Vista to make it run like a champion and perform to your particular specifications.</p><p>This download is also available as a TechRepublic <a target=_blank href=>article</a>.
- 10 things you should know about User Account Control in Vista
- Vista's User Account Control (UAC) protects against malware elevation of privileges, even when someone is logged on with an administrative account. Deb Shinder offers a concise overview describing what UAC does and what options are available to control it.
- 10 things you should do before installing Windows Vista on a computer
- Windows Vista's enhanced functionality and snazzy Aero Glass visual effects will demand steeper hardware requirements for the machines you support. Check this list to make sure you cover all the bases before deciding what Vista versions those machines will be able to run.
- Windows Vista Editions--there's only one real choice
- Greg Shultz looks at the what features each Windows Vista choice has to offer.
- Putting Windows Vista PCs to the Test - Putting Windows Vista PCs to the Test - Review by PC Magazine
- With Vista now available in retail systems, the big question is how much of an improvement is it over XP? We check out the first systems bundling Microsoft?s newest OS and tell you what you will, and will not, be getting with Vista.
- Why Vista Matters to Developers
- The new operating system holds all kinds of goodies for developers.
- Which Vista Feature Is Right For You? - Which Vista Feature Is Right For You? Slide 24
- Explore what is new and different in Microsoft Word 2007, from Scott Lowe - Downloads - TechRepublic
- <p>Microsoft Office 2007 has many new features in addition to the Ribbon interface. Scott Lowe walks you through several of the more useful feature changes you will find in Word 2007, including an exploration of new styles, toolbars, and file types.</p><p>This download is also available as a TechRepublic <a target=_blank href=>article</a>.</p>
- Microsoft Watch - Vista - Vista Crack Means Big Trouble
- Outlook 2007: Mobility
- New processors will spur growth in mobile devices in 2007.
- Microsoft Counts on App Support for Vista
- Microsoft claims many ISVs are on board, but hardware compatibility is still an issue.
- Feature guide: What you need to know about Windows Vista - Downloads - TechRepublic
- 10 things you should know about User Account Control in Vista
- Vista's User Account Control (UAC) protects against malware elevation of privileges, even when someone is logged on with an administrative account. Deb Shinder offers a concise overview describing what UAC does and what options are available to control it.
- Reasons to Run to—and from—Vista - Reasons to Run to--and from--Vista Slide 15
- 10+ tweaks, tricks, and hacks to make Windows Vista fly
- No matter how well designed an operating system purports to be, there are ways to tweak it for performance. Here are 10+ tweaks, tricks, and hacks you can apply to Microsoft Windows Vista to make it run like a champion and perform to your particular specifications.
- Windows Vista Upgrade Frustrations: No, Your Tests Will Not Run
- Frustrations galore causes Joel to rethink even suggesting in-place upgrades from XP to Vista.
- Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 - Use Legacy on Vista
- Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 can solve many of your compatibility problems—for free.
- Speech recognition in Windows Vista, from Deb Shinder - Downloads - TechRepublic
- Vista is the first Microsoft OS that has built-in speech recognition capabilities. Using this feature, you can perform tasks such as starting and closing programs, saving and deleting files, dictating text to be typed verbatim into a document, and editing the text.<br /><br />Windows expert <a href=>Deb Shinder</a> shares her experiences working with Vista speech recognition, describes its features and functionality, and explains the
- Master file and format management in Microsoft Office 2007, from Que Publishing - Downloads - TechRepublic
- <br />For the first time in a decade, Microsoft has rolled out an all-new user interface for Office. Menus and toolbars are gone. For the core programs in the Office family, you now interact with the program using the Ribbon, an oversized strip of icons and commands, organized into multiple tabs, that takes over the top of each program's interface. If your muscles have memorized Office menus, you'll have to unlearn a lot of old habits for this version. In this sample chapter from <i> Special Edi
- UITS News - Office 2007
- UITS News - Vista
- Search results for 'vista' - Knowledge Base
- Search results for 'office', and '2007' - Knowledge Base
- Vista Made Easy: 50 Tips And Tricks - Vista Made Easy: 50 Tips And Tricks - Features by PC Magazine
- We'll walk you through Vista's many neat features and more than 50 tips on installing Vista optimally, configuring it for you and your family, improving system speed, and turning up its coolness.
- » 10+ ways to train your users on Office 2007 for free | Microsoft Office |
- » How do I… Save and refine desktop searches in Microsoft Windows Vista? | How Do I… |
- Recreating a Mail Profile | HowTo-Outlook
- Need additional mail profiles or need to recreate it? Follow these instructions and you can't go wrong.
- » How do I… Change access permissions for all folders and files in Vista? | How Do I… |
- TweakUI Adds Vista Version - News and Analysis by PC Magazine
- Following up the incredibly popular TweakUI for Windows XP, TotalIdea has released TweakVI for Windows Vista.
- Microsoft Office Making Choices in Excel - Expert Help by PC Magazine
- Vlookups can easily return data from even very large tables.
- » Customize Windows XP’s General tab | Microsoft Windows |
- Windows XP: How to Use
- Here's your one-stop shop for learning how to use the features and technologies that come with Windows XP.
- Set Up Remote Desktop Web Connection with Windows XP
- Describes how to set up a Remote Desktop Web Connection to securely access the applications and data on your desktop over the Internet.
- Remote Desktop through a Linksys wrt54G Router Possible?
- Remote access through Linksys Router to Windows Machine - Google Search
- Radio UserLand: Remote Access thru Linksys Router?
- COTSE-NT Command Reference
- The Computer Professionals' Reference - specializing in computer security and education
- mux conversion - Google Search
- JMU - Human Resources - Electronic Claim Filing
- Human Resources - Electronic Claim Filing
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