tech @ Beacon Deacon

3D Pie Chart

Jamie Johnson

Thanks to amCharts, one can easily set up a 3D pie chart (or other charts). The charts are JavaScript-based. Here's how to set one up:

  1. Download: You need the JavaScript Charts library, which you can download at I used a localized version I downloaded though I tested successfully using the external script calls below.
  2. Add the library scripts and CSS in your markup:
    <script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="//" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
  3. Add the call to the library, which constructs the chart:
    var chart = AmCharts.makeChart( "chartdiv", { 
              "type": "pie", 
              "theme": "light", 
              "dataProvider": [ { 
                "item": "Resembles Pac-Man", 
                "value": 75 
              }, { 
                "item": "Does not resember Pac-Man", 
                "value": 25 
              } ], 
              "valueField": "value", 
              "titleField": "item", 
              "outlineAlpha": 0.4, 
              "depth3D": 15, 
              "balloonText": "[[title]]<br /><span style='font-size:14px'><b>[[value]]</b> ([[percents]]%)</span>", 
              "angle": 30, 
              "export": { 
                "enabled": true 
            } ); 
  4. Customize CSS if you want (I disabled the chart from showing at a width 640px and below):
    #chartdiv { 
      width: 100%; 
      height: 500px; 
    @media all and (max-width:640px){ 
        #chartdiv { display:none;} 
  5. Add the markup:
    <div id="chartdiv"></div>

And here it is in action:

Now, let's make it a bit more interactive. I will have up to 10 categories and 10 numeric values you can add and upon clicking "Show Chart," you will see a customized chart above. Note that you do not have to use all 10, but you do have to use ONLY a number in the value field (Don't worry! I wrote validation for that and will show you how).

Category 1 Title:
Value for Category 1:
Category 2 Title:
Value for Category 2:
Category 3 Title:
Value for Category 3:
Category 4 Title:
Value for Category 4:
Category 5 Title:
Value for Category 5:
Category 6 Title:
Value for Category 6:
Category 7 Title:
Value for Category 7:
Category 8 Title:
Value for Category 8:
Category 9 Title:
Value for Category 9:
Category 10 Title:
Value for Category 10:

And here's my code I used to accomplish the interactive chart:

/* Script by Jamie Johnson @jamesarthurjohn using and extending 3D Pie Charts */ 
function mychart(){ 
	title1 = document.getElementById('cat1').value; 
	val1 = document.getElementById('cat1val').value * 1; 
	title2 = document.getElementById('cat2').value; 
	val2 = document.getElementById('cat2val').value * 1; 
	title3 = document.getElementById('cat3').value; 
	val3 = document.getElementById('cat3val').value * 1; 
	title4 = document.getElementById('cat4').value; 
	val4 = document.getElementById('cat4val').value * 1; 
	title5 = document.getElementById('cat5').value; 
	val5 = document.getElementById('cat5val').value * 1; 
	title6 = document.getElementById('cat6').value; 
	val6 = document.getElementById('cat6val').value * 1; 
	title7 = document.getElementById('cat7').value; 
	val7 = document.getElementById('cat7val').value * 1; 
	title8 = document.getElementById('cat8').value; 
	val8 = document.getElementById('cat8val').value * 1; 
	title9 = document.getElementById('cat9').value; 
	val9 = document.getElementById('cat9val').value * 1; 
	title10 = document.getElementById('cat10').value; 
	val10 = document.getElementById('cat10val').value * 1; 
	var chart = AmCharts.makeChart( "chartdiv", { 
          "type": "pie", 
          "theme": "light", 
          "dataProvider": [ { 
            "item": title1, 
            "value": val1 
          }, { 
            "item": title2, 
            "value": val2 
          }, { 
            "item": title3, 
            "value": val3 
          }, { 
            "item": title4, 
            "value": val4 
          }, { 
            "item": title5, 
            "value": val5 
          }, { 
            "item": title6, 
            "value": val6 
          }, { 
            "item": title7, 
            "value": val7 
          }, { 
            "item": title8, 
            "value": val8 
          }, { 
            "item": title9, 
            "value": val9 
          }, { 
            "item": title10, 
            "value": val10 
          } ], 
          "valueField": "value", 
          "titleField": "item", 
          "outlineAlpha": 0.4, 
          "depth3D": 15, 
          "balloonText": "[[title]]<br /><span style='font-size:14px'><b>[[value]]</b> ([[percents]]%)</span>", 
          "angle": 30, 
          "export": { 
            "enabled": true 
        } ); 
function checkval(n){ 
	if(isNaN(n.value)){alert('Please put a valid number');n.value='';n.focus(); } 
<table celpadding="3" border="1" cellspacing="3"> 
Category 1 Title:<br /><input type="text" id="cat1" value="" /> 
Value for Category 1:<br /><input type="text" id="cat1val" value="" onblur="checkval(this);" /> 
Category 2 Title:<br /><input type="text" id="cat2" value="" /> 
Value for Category 2:<br /><input type="text" id="cat2val" value="" onblur="checkval(this);" /> 
Category 3 Title:<br /><input type="text" id="cat3" value="" /> 
Value for Category 3:<br /><input type="text" id="cat3val" value="" onblur="checkval(this);" /> 
Category 4 Title:<br /><input type="text" id="cat4" value="" /> 
Value for Category 4:<br /><input type="text" id="cat4val" value="" onblur="checkval(this);" /> 
Category 5 Title:<br /><input type="text" id="cat5" value="" /> 
Value for Category 5:<br /><input type="text" id="cat5val" value="" onblur="checkval(this);" /> 
Category 6 Title:<br /><input type="text" id="cat6" value="" /> 
Value for Category 6:<br /><input type="text" id="cat6val" value="" onblur="checkval(this);" /> 
Category 7 Title:<br /><input type="text" id="cat7" value="" /> 
Value for Category 7:<br /><input type="text" id="cat7val" value="" onblur="checkval(this);" /> 
Category 8 Title:<br /><input type="text" id="cat8" value="" /> 
Value for Category 8:<br /><input type="text" id="cat8val" value="" onblur="checkval(this);" /> 
Category 9 Title:<br /><input type="text" id="cat9" value="" /> 
Value for Category 9:<br /><input type="text" id="cat9val" value="" onblur="checkval(this);" /> 
Category 10 Title:<br /><input type="text" id="cat10" value="" /> 
Value for Category 10:<br /><input type="text" id="cat10val" value="" onblur="checkval(this);" /> 
<input type="button" onclick="mychart()" value="Show Chart" />

One more cool thing: You can download the chart in different formats (PDF, images, etc.)!

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